Your Bridge to Tomorrow’s Life Extending Technologies

Maximum Life Foundation

An Anti-Aging Guide Produced by:









by David A. Kekich

with acknowledgment to James Clement and Peter A. Passaro


Copyright© 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

Maximum Life Foundation



No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without prior written permission of the Maximum Life Foundation. 


This document is intended solely to educate the consumer on current trends in anti-aging, healthcare and the medical sciences.  It should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the author rendering professional service.  Always consult your physician before acting on any program of diet, exercise, supplementation or medical treatment.

Table of Contents


Section                                                                                                            Pages


Introduction                                                                                                      1


Chapter 1                                                                                                            4      

What is Aging and What Can I Do About It Now?


Chapter 2                                                                                                            9



Chapter 3                                                                                                           15

Activity - Exercise


Chapter 4                                                                                                           21



Chapter 5                                                                                                           27

Anti-Aging Medicine


Chapter 6                                                                                                           33



Chapter 7                                                                                                           40

Stress Management


            Bonus Supplement                                                                              48


Chapter 8                                                                                                           53

Life in General


Afterward                                                                                                          61




Only 100 years ago, the average lifespan is the US was 47 years. Today it’s nearly 80. Technology is advancing so rapidly that you will be amazed at the progress we are making to extend our own healthy life spans.


You’re going to learn things here that will supercharge your health, longevity and outlook far more than anything you have seen before. This booklet will show you how you can add up to 20 quality years to your life, depending on your current age, condition and health habits. This could be critical, because those extra years could be your bridge to more youthful years to your life than you have ever imagined, due to amazing future technologies.


You’ll how and why you will see those breakthroughs, what some of them will be and how they work.


Now some of what you read might fly in the face of what you’ve been taught all your life. But these are different times, and everything you see here is backed by hard science.


So please keep an open mind. But if for some reason, you don’t care about the future technologies, you’ll still learn how to add 5-20 youthful years to your life, depending on your age and current health condition and habits. What can you do with 5 more years? How much more productive will you be? How much more quality time could you spend with you loved ones?  I think you’ll agree life extension is good, if your extra years are healthy and youthful. And they will be.


The next ten to twenty years will see a revolution in medicine and the life sciences that can only be compared to the current explosion of computing power and communication.  There is no lack of good biomedical science out there, but practitioners are typically slow to adopt new ideas. 


This is for a good reason though. First and foremost, physicians strive to do no harm.  But it is a fine line between being too conservative or too ready to try an experimental drug or technique.


With the volumes of new information produced by scientists everyday, it becomes a Herculean effort to keep up with even the narrowest fields.  So increasingly the burden of staying informed on advances in a particular field will fall to those with the most self-interest in finding the correct information (i.e. the patients).  Meanwhile, a support system is quickly developing. The medical specialty of “anti-aging medicine” is growing by leaps and bounds. The ranks of qualified practitioners are swelling, and the quality and quantity of longevity information is becoming more readily available through print media as well as the Internet.


If you’re motivated to improve the quality and quantity of your life, you can use www.maxlife.org to be pointed to some of the most cutting-edge longevity information in the world.


This guide then is intended to inform you of the state of anti-aging medicine, and the current interventions that are possible to slow the aging process and alleviate some of the symptoms of the aging processes' degenerative diseases.


Before we discuss tomorrow’s extreme life extending technologies, you will learn how to use today’s resources to maximize your health, longevity and well being. We’re going to start with…





No, these aren’t the salads you’ll find at salad bars, although those are part of the formula. SALADS™ stands for: Supplementation, Activity, Lifestyle, Anti-Aging Medicine, Diet and Stress Management.


This guide is intended to let you know that you do indeed have a great deal of control of your body's health and maintenance.  Through SALADS, you can greatly increase your chances of living well into the 21st century and possibly the following if biomedical science continues to advance at its current exponential pace.


 This volume will continually expand as our knowledge of preventative medicine increases.  Catching damage before it is done is vastly more productive than trying to piece back together a damaged system that we don't completely understand yet.


If you are one of those people who just can't get enough of all life has to offer and wants to squeeze every possible moment you can out of it, then I hope this guide will provide you with the tools to go out and get it.


Long Life,



David A. Kekich

President, Maximum Life Foundation


What is Aging and

What Can You Do

About It Now?


Before discussing the possible ways of slowing the aging process, we at Maximum Life Foundation first want to address what the aging process actually is.  In humans, aging is a process that begins at approximately 25 years of age in women and 28 years of age in men.  Some think it begins much earlier in life.  There has been a long debate in the annals of medicine over whether aging is a disease or a natural process.  Aging can be construed as natural only in so much as it happens to all humans.  But what is happening is a collection of one or more degenerative processes that eventually lead to death.


The top four causes of death (1 - heart disease, 2 - cancer, 3 - stroke, and 4 - arterial blockages) are directly linked to the process of aging.  Of the top 15 causes of death, only four are not related to aging (accidents, HIV, suicide, and murder).  Collectively then, the group of degenerative diseases we term "aging" are directly responsible for the deaths of roughly 75% of the population of the United States (see figure below).


Are these deaths preventable, and should we stop them if we can?  Our opinion is an emphatic "yes!" on both counts. 


If a loved one (or yourself) has a major medical condition such as cancer, heart disease, etc., would you ask that they not receive the very best medical care for those conditions? 


If treatments were available that could reverse Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and diabetes, who in their right mind would turn them down?  What ties these diseases together is the underlying processes of aging.







Leading Causes of Death in the U.S. (2002)


                       Disease Category

Number of deaths


All causes



Diseases of heart



Malignant neoplasms



Cerebrovascular diseases



Chronic lower respiratory diseases



Unintentional injuries



Diabetes mellitus



Influenza and pneumonia



Alzheimer's disease



Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis






                   SOURCE:  National Vital Statistics Reports, Deaths: Leading Causes for 2002, October 2004


Can we cure each of these diseases then? Each of these processes has a definable cause.  All of the causes are not yet known, but many of them are.  For example, for a few years now, scientists have had a very good understanding of the basic mechanisms behind cancer. 


Cancer is caused by physical, chemical, or viral damage to a cell's DNA, which in turn short-circuits that cells ability to control its own growth and act as part of an organism.  It becomes a group of rogue cells reproducing as fast as they can, stealing the resources of the rest of the organism they are a part of. 


If you ask any physician if most cancer is preventable, the answer should be a resounding "yes".  Of course genetics can contribute to the likelihood of having cancer, but it is primarily the result of our environment imposing constant damage on the body.  By controlling what radiation you are experience (primarily from the sun) and what chemicals you expose yourself to in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat - you can drastically reduce the amount of damage you accumulate in your DNA over the course of your lifespan.


Many of the techniques we discuss in this booklet may seem like common sense at first glance.  Many people know that they should be eating a healthier diet, exercising, not smoking, and not drinking as much.  Why though?


We view the human body as a wonderfully complex machine.  This machine is designed to repair itself in the event of damage.  For the most part, it does a terrific job.  For reasons we don't completely understand yet though, many of these repair systems break down as we age, and we suffer damage. 

Mutations to our DNA occur when cells divide and mistakes accumulate; in turn cells become dysfunctional, cancerous or outright die.  Other cells, including stem cells, can take the place of many errant cells but these are limited in number and also eventually age and/or are depleted. 

Ø  Inadequate mechanisms are likely many and probably include:

Ø  DNA damage and breaks both in the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes.

Ø  Drift in control of gene expression and maintenance of chromosome structure.  This includes drift in DNA methylation and other epigenetic mechanisms.

Ø  Accumulation of damaged proteins, lipofuscin (“age pigment”) and other waste products in our cells that are not excreted expeditiously from the cells or the body.

Ø  Oxidative damage including damage to cell membranes, mitochondria, DNA, enzymes etc.

Ø  Glycation and other types of damage to proteins and other long-lived molecules. 


(We will define some of these terms as you read on.)


It is also clear that the more you abuse your body by insulting it with toxic substances, the more likely one of your repair systems will undergo an early breakdown.


One of the most prevalent types of damage to our bodies is caused a type of molecule referred to as a free radical or a reactive oxygen species (ROS) that causes oxidative damage, or oxidative stress.  These are molecules that are produced on a regular basis in the energy generation part of our cells - the mitochondria.  These tiny power plants are the final step in converting the food we eat into a useable form of energy for our cells.  In the process, oxygen is used to produce highly reactive molecules that are normally well contained in the mitochondria, which has multiple antioxidant systems for cleaning them up and making them less reactive.


As we age, and in times of stress or extreme exertion, these systems can not always keep up with the amount of ROS's being produced.  These molecules, free of the mitochondria, can do tremendous amounts of damage to nearby tissues.  In addition, the cells of the immune system also release ROS's for the purpose of destroying invaders.  This is part of the reason why inflammation can sometimes do more harm than it does good, because it can destroy your own tissue along with the invaders.


Basically, inflammation is a defensive reaction to infections, toxins or injury. The swelling around a cut, sprain or mosquito bite are common examples. It also happens insidiously inside our bodies. Reducing this systemic inflammation can slash your chances of heart disease and cancer in half and may be the key to Alzheimer’s and more. Some ways to control inflammation are to lower your blood sugar level, lose weight, exercise more, reduce stress, avoid or cut back on red meat, egg yolks, coffee and alcohol and take a daily baby aspirin with your biggest meal.


One of the molecules most severely affected by ROS’s is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).  DNA is the material of which your genes are made or - the very storehouse of the information that makes you, you.  When DNA reacts with an ROS it can change the shape of, or mutate, part of the DNA and possibly cause certain genes to be turned off, turned on, or destroyed inappropriately.  If these disruptions affect critical genes, many times the result is a cancerous cell.


Another type of damage caused by ROS's is called crosslinking.  This is the joining of two molecules that normally wouldn't be.  The major crosslinked molecule is low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This is the bad cholesterol that everyone is worried about, because these molecules become oxidized (turn rancid) and clump to the insides of arteries and other critical places.  The new molecules are now useless and can be deadly if they are allowed to build up.  These types of molecules can be found in artery blocking plaques and in the plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.  (Another possible cause of these plaques is the sugar glucose, whose effect is discussed in greater detail below.)


Glycation is the term used for crosslinking. Glycation is a chain reaction where sugar and protein molecules tangle up resulting in deformed or non-functioning molecules.  Did you ever notice how old leather cracks? That’s caused by molecular cross linking. The same thing happens to our skin. But what we can’t see is the damage it does to us internally.


So, what else does free radical damage cause?  The end results of free radical damage include arthritis, skin aging (wrinkles), cataracts, and blindness.  This is on top of increasing the chances of heart disease, cancer stroke, and diabetes.


OK, so how do we stop this damage from occurring?  Diet, exercise, and supplementation can alleviate much of the damage caused by free radicals.  Diet can help you control the damage by eating foods that are high in anti-oxidant molecules, and by eating lower calorie diets. This keeps the mitochondria from working as hard, and reduces the amount of free glucose in your bloodstream.  Exercise can control it by giving you greater anti-oxidant potential and better elimination of wastes from your system.  Supplementation can control it by giving you additional anti-oxidant molecules, many of which cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities from diet alone.


Other sources of damage to the molecules in your body include smoking, alcohol, and air and water pollution. The amount of damage to the human body caused by cigarettes and alcohol is truly amazing and a testament to how good our repair systems actually are.  Environmental damage from airborne and waterborne chemicals is also a significant concern. And if you are constantly exposed to occupational hazards on the job, you should take all safety precautions necessary to protect yourself.  Air and water filters in both your home and business are always a great idea considering the levels of environmental toxins we are exposed to.


There are most likely other causes of degenerative diseases and aging itself.  There are genetic clocks ticking called telomeres in our cells that may cause some of our systems to shut down as we age.  The systems that repair damage and keep our metabolism regulated have a drastic effect once removed from action.  Some of these keys systems include our endocrine system (which regulates hormone release), the immune system.  In addition there are some things once damaged just can't be repaired well yet (certain organs and joints for example).


These other problems and how to control their effects aren't completely understood yet though, so we will have to wait for scientists and physicians to make further sense of the aging process.


We will not have to wait long though. Biomedical knowledge advances exponentially.  Every week another stunning breakthrough is announced. This booklet is a practical guide to what you can do now to slow your aging.  This might be critical, because the cure for what ails you, including aging, could be literally right around the corner. 


So make SALADS a routine part of your life. Let’s start with the first S which stands for Supplementation.







Just twenty years ago, vitamin popping was still held by the mainstream medical community as a worthless fad.  Today, you would be hard pressed to find a physician who would disagree with the tremendous potential health benefits supplementation can provide. 


In fact, according to Dr. Bruce Ames of the University of California at Berkeley, over 50 genetic diseases have already been identified that can be corrected by aggressive nutritional supplementation. Diet alone and Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA’s) will never do it for optimal health. In fact, optimal health is not possible without supplementation. Thousands of studies support supplementation.


Recently, there has also been an explosion in alternative medicine and herbal remedies. 


Many of these products and services have tremendous potential benefits, but many others are worthless.  We will try to make some sense of this burgeoning industry and cover the most common vitamins, herbs, drugs and other supplements available to the consumer.  


Supplementation can help you avoid heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s and much more. The bare basics include a daily high potency multi vitamin tablet and essential fatty acids. 97 randomized trials involving over 275,000 subjects showed Omega 3 fatty acids, like fish oil reduced cardiac mortality risk by 32% and overall mortality by 23%. If you don’t learn anything else today, go out and buy some high quality fish oil capsules, and take 2000 mg twice a day.


Other basic supplements include coenzyme Q10; carnosine, folic acid, Vitamin D, a high quality absorbable resveratrol and alpha lipoic acid. And most important of all, glutathione – but only the “protected” form[1].


You can and should feed your brain as well with many of the supplements above plus ginkgo biloba; A-L carnitine; PS (phospatidylserine); PC (phospatidylcholine); DMAE and EPA/DHA.


Some of these supplements, along with folic acid, some of the B vitamins and others enhance methylation.


Methylation is a chemical reaction, taking place millions of times a day, in every cell in your body. Your body depends on this biochemical exchange for some of its most critical functions such as; detoxifying carcinogens and other poisons, repairing damaged DNA, forming new cells and manufacturing anti-aging hormones. If your body doesn’t methylate properly, you will travel the path headed for accelerated aging, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes and others.


Fortunately, it’s easy to improve your methylation with supplementation. In fact, taking methylation-promoting nutrients is one of the primary preventable causes of aging and disease.


Also, if you or someone you know has lymphoma, herpes, HIV, low energy, Parkinson’s, frequent infections including colds and flu, protected glutathione could help. Researchers found that in most diseased conditions, patients are glutathione deficient. 


The supplements that have by far the most amounts of clinical data going for them are six key antioxidants.  These six substances are vitamin C, vitamin E, Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10), Glutathione, Lipoic Acid and carnosine.  Dr. Lester Packer of the University of California at Berkeley, one of the world's most renowned experts on antioxidants, has found the first five to act as an antioxidant network in your body.


One problem with antioxidants is that once they detoxify a free radical (discussed in the first chapter) they themselves become a free radical.  In fact, vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, can actually become a prooxidant (a free radical) and cause damage if it is not supported by other antioxidants.  This where the antioxidant network shines. 


The combination of vitamins C and E, Glutathione, CoQ10, and Lipoic Acid form a mutually supporting network.  This allows each of the members of the network to recycle each other and prevent any formation of more free radicals.  By detoxifying each other, they keep your ability to eliminate free radicals robust and healthy.


Reactive oxygen species (free radicals) play a direct role in heart disease, cancer, type II diabetes, strokes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cataracts and arthritis.  The advantages of having a great antioxidant system are many:


Ø  Antioxidants, especially vitamin E and CoQ10, have been shown to be effective in preventing heart disease.


Ø  Antioxidants, both oral and topical, prevent skin damage and rejuvenate older looking skin.


Ø  Antioxidants enhance the effectiveness of your immune system.


Ø  Antioxidants reduce all types of inflammation, and arthritis in particular.


Ø  Antioxidants will slow brain-aging, prevent memory loss, and mental problems later in life.


Ø  Antioxidants have been shown to improve concentration and focus.


The daily requirements for each of these antioxidants as established by the USDA are far too low by the accounts of a large number of scientists and physicians.  There is still a heated debate as to what the correct dosages should be and will vary from person-to-person.  At present, the following guidelines we suggest are based on the general recommendations of Dr. Lester Packer, a leading expert on antioxidants.


Vitamin C, according to Dr. Packer, should be taken in doses of 250 mg, twice daily.  According to the results from his work, any more is not going to do any harm if you have a well supported antioxidant network.  Above this amount though, much of it is just excreted in the urine without being used.  Some people advocate taking megadoses of vitamin C based on the reasoning that animals that produce it naturally make two to three times as much under conditions of stress.


The USDA recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin E is woefully low.  Vitamin E is one of the front line defense systems against antioxidants.  Dr. Packer and many other sources recommend a total of 500 mg of vitamin E per day, and higher dosages for people with cancer or heart disease.  Some of these recommendations are for alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) alone, but.  Others, including Dr. Packer, recommend mixed natural tocopherols and tocotrienols, members of the vitamin E family. We agree.


CoQ10 is found in high concentrations at the source of most of your free radical production, the mitochondria.  It directly recycles vitamin E and is one of the primary molecules in the energy production system of cells.  As we age, the production of CoQ10 declines, and this may be a factor in heart disease.  Dr. Packer's recommendation for CoQ10 is 50 mg daily.  Be certain to take an extremely bioavailable form. Most products do not navigate the digestive system very well and thus are not effective in getting into your cells. Those with heart disease and the elderly may want to consider higher dosages.  Some sources recommend up to 400 mg per day.


Low levels of glutathione are one of the key indicators for premature death.  Unfortunately, the body breaks down glutathione in the digestive tract, so supplementing with an unprotected version of glutathione won't do you much good.  The upside is that there is now a protected version of glutathione, know as Protectus 120™.  The other ways to keep your glutathione levels up is to avoid smoking, alcohol and nitrates found in processed lunchmeats.


In addition to the five key antioxidants found in your body, there are other compounds that can boost your antioxidant activity.  One group of these molecules that has gotten a lot of attention as of late is the flavonoids.  These antioxidants are found in tea, berries, red wine and many fruits.


From recent studies, flavonoids seem to act as free radical scavengers, mainly recycling vitamin C.  This appears to have a very positive overall effect on the antioxidant system.  Two of the most powerful flavonoid antioxidant extracts are those from pycnogenol (pine bark) and ginkgo biloba.


Most of the mental and sexual enhancement effects felt by people taking ginkgo are probably from the ability of flavonoids to improve circulation and allow better chemical signaling to occur.  In addition to these benefits, the antioxidant effects mentioned above are enhanced.  Dr. Packer's recommendation for ginkgo biloba is 30 mg daily and for pycnogenol, 20 mg daily.


Another group of antioxidants available from plant, algae, and fungi is the carotenoids.  The best source of carotenoids is from the diet.  Brightly colored fruits and vegetables all contain high levels of these compounds (see the Diet chapter below).  These molecules are also available in capsule form.  Conventional wisdom says if you are eating a diet with 5-7 servings of vegetables and 1-3 servings of fruit a day, this is probably not necessary (one serving equals ½ cup).


However, conventional wisdom may be wrong. The fruits and vegetables we eat today may only contain a fraction of the nutrients they contained 50 years ago. Many soils have been depleted of minerals, and in their attempt to sell food that looks and tastes good and keeps from spoiling too early, the industry has adulterated much of our produce.  We recommend you eat as much organically grown food as possible for those reasons and because organic foods generally contain far less toxins.  Conventional wisdom also leads to “normal” health.  For “optimal health”, we suggest supplements.


Additionally, recent studies show vitamin D does far more than promote healthy teeth and bones. Its role in supporting immunity, modulating inflammation, and preventing cancer make the consequences of vitamin D deficiency potentially devastating. A growing number of scientists who study vitamin D levels in human populations now recommend annual blood tests to check vitamin D status.


University of California recently conducted an extensive review of scientific papers published worldwide between 1966 and 2004. Their analysis suggested that taking 1000 international units (IU) of vitamin D3 daily lowers an individual’s risk of developing colorectal cancer by 50%. And a new European study suggests vitamin D supplements could prolong your life.  "The intake of usual doses of Vitamin D seems to decrease mortality from any cause of death," said lead researcher Dr. Philippe Autier, from the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, FRANCE.


Just as scientists are discovering critical new roles for vitamin D, they are also finding that shockingly few people have blood levels of vitamin D adequate to support their daily needs. Because vitamin D3 is obtained primarily from exposure to sunlight, this puts people living outside the tropics at particular risk for vitamin D deficiency, especially from late fall to early spring. Further compounding the problem, many public health officials are concerned that their warnings about avoiding the sun because of skin cancer risk may in fact be causing people to limit their sun exposure to an unhealthy extent.


There are two more compounds worth mentioning in this discussion: selenium and melatonin.  Selenium is an element that has a synergistic effect on the antioxidant network.  The way it works is not completely clear yet, but it is well know that selenium deficiencies are responsible for higher levels of heart disease and cancer.  In fact, people who live in areas in which the soil is selenium deficient are much more likely to die of heart disease.  Dr. Packer recommends taking 200 mcg (micrograms) per day.


 Melatonin is technically a hormone, so it might actually belong in the Anti-Aging Medicine section.  But one of its most powerful uses is as a general antioxidant.  This molecule has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, the membrane that prevents most molecules from entering the brain itself.  So this might be one of the brain's key defenses against oxidation. 


In addition to these effects, melatonin has a role in regulating the sleep cycles of some animals, and may have similar effects in humans.  Melatonin production declines with age in humans and so it has been suggested that increased dosages may be necessary as one ages.  The most commonly recommended dosage is 3 mg or less at night before bed, but this is an unusually benign substance.  Dosages up to 1000 mg have been taken by humans in experiments. The only noticeable side effect was it is hard to wake in the morning.


We feel uncomfortable suggesting dosages for various supplements however.  We’re all physiologically unique.  One size does not fit all.  For optimal health, we suggest you see a qualified anti-aging physician. It could be the best investment you ever made or will make.


If you wish to find further information about any of the supplements we have discussed here as well as others, please look to the following source.


Ø  Life Extension Foundation - www.lef.org - A not for profit organization which donates proceeds of the sale of supplements to anti-aging research.  This group is a highly reliable producer of low-priced and high-potency pharmaceutical grade supplements and a terrific source of current health and research information.

Ø   Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman's Health Products - www.rayandterry.com – Also, review their Longevity Program, described in their book, Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever. They illustrate how heart disease, cancer, stroke, respiratory disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and diabetes do not appear out of the blue - they are the end result of processes that are decades in the making.  








Activity – Exercise


There was a time when physicians advised people to take it easy as they grew older.  It has now been definitively shown that lack of activity at any age is extremely detrimental to your health.  People who are inactive show many signs of accelerated aging including: bone loss, poor cardiovascular tone, and increased incidence of heart disease, cancer and diabetes as compared to physically active people.


Exercise reduces disease and death dramatically for all major progressive diseases.


According to a study involving over 13,000 participants, the overall death rate for moderate exercisers was 60% less than the sedentary group... and the high fitness group scored much better.


You are designed to move. When you exercise, your body signals your cells to grow or wither. These growth signals cause a ripple effect, spreading the growth process to every cell in your body, making you functionally younger. Sedentary muscles trickle chemicals signaling every cell to wither away. It’s simple. You can spend the rest of your life in a powerful healthy body, or you can opt for the lazy way to decay. It’s your choice.


Other than some key stem cells in each organ or your brain cells, your trillions of cells live for a few weeks or months on average, depending on each cell type. Then they die and are replaced by new cells. Your whole body is practically replaced every three months. Only you choose whether that “new” body is stronger or weaker… younger or older.


Sedentary people who get fit cut their heart attack risk by 75-80% over five years. That’s impressive, since heart disease is our single biggest killer. And if you’re not exercising now, you can double your strength in three months and maybe double it again in three more months. It doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 85.


One concern over exercise used to be that it produces bursts of free radicals. This is due to the increased use of oxygen by cells in the body in response to greater exertion.  As your metabolic rate goes up, you produce greater amounts of free radicals.


In the short term this has been shown to be detrimental.  But in the long term those people who practice a regular routine of exercise (for 20 minutes or more 3-7 times per week) have a much greater capacity to eliminate free radicals than someone who does not exercise regularly.  This greater ability to handle oxidative stress extends to all other potential free radical producing activities - disease, stress, dietary and environmentally source of free radicals. If you’d like to protect yourself from increasing free radicals during exercise, you could take antioxidants before working out.


In addition to greater ability to handle oxidative stress, exercise has very positive effects on bone density and tendon, ligament and joint strength.  Strength training (weightlifting) has been shown to have dramatic effects in preventing osteoporosis and connective tissue damage in both men and women of all ages.  This effect is enhanced by hormone supplementation in men and especially in women (who experience a faster rate of hormonal decline than men - see Anti-Aging Medicine below).


Regular exercise also seems to maintain the levels of hormones that typically decline with age.  This is great for your appearance, attitude and your sex drive.  Some of the other general effects of exercise include increased metabolism and increased lymph flow.


Another benefit is increasing the health of your cardiovascular system.  This benefit comes primarily from aerobic exercise and has extremely beneficial effects on overall lifespan.  If you recall from above - heart disease is our number one killer in the United States.


OK, so what type of exercise should you do to get these benefits?  Ideally, you should exercise six to seven days a week for 20 to 45 minutes a session.  A good mix of strength training and aerobic activity will provide the best combination of all the aforementioned health enhancements.


If you are over 40 years of age, have a chronic disease or any of the following conditions below, you should check with a doctor before beginning your exercise program.


Ø  any new, undiagnosed symptom


Ø  chest pain


Ø  irregular, rapid or fluttery heart beat


Ø  severe shortness of breath


Ø  significant, ongoing weight loss that hasn't been diagnosed


Ø  infections, such as pneumonia, accompanied by fever


Ø  fever itself, which can cause dehydration and a rapid heart beat


Ø  acute deep-vein thrombosis (blood clot)


Ø  a hernia that is causing symptoms


Ø  foot or ankle sores that won't heal


Ø  joint swelling


Ø  persistent pain or a disturbance in walking after you have fallen. You might have a fracture and not know it, and exercise could cause further injury.


Ø  certain eye conditions, such as bleeding in the retina or detached retina. Before you exercise after a cataract or lens implant, or after laser treatment or other eye surgery, check with your physician.


Always begin your exercise session with at least five minutes of a warm up exercise which will bring your heart rate up to fifty percent of your maximum (see target heart rate below).   At the end of your workout, make sure you cool down by walking or continuing to perform your activity at a reduced rate.  Finally, stretch at the end of your workout. 


Your aerobic exercise should include activities such as running/jogging, bicycling, brisk walking, swimming, etc.  It must significantly raise your heart rate for at least twenty minutes to get the maximal effect.  Also note that extremely long periods of aerobic activity do not result in greatly enhanced cardiovascular health.  We’re not saying you should go quit long distance running if you enjoy it. It is just not necessary for excellent health and may be detrimental if you do intense sustained exercise for over 45 minutes.


Rather than a long, steady low to medium intensity effort, consider interval training for 20 minutes or more. Interval training can burn up to 9 times as much fat than sustained medium intensity exercise. Studies also show it promotes much greater cardiac fitness.


First, warm-up for at least 2-5 minutes. Then do 1-2 minute spurts at 80-90% of your capacity. Then go through a recovery of 1-2 minutes at 40-50% of your capacity, and continue this cycle for 20 minutes. Do this 3-6 days per week. If you prefer longer drawn-out aerobic exercises, by all means, do those. The important thing is to get moving.


Doing your aerobic exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is a very effective way to burn fat.  Your body is already depleted of its energy stores from the night before, so it must reach into its reserves (fat) to fuel aerobic activity.   So if you are looking to lose a few pounds, work out first thing in the morning.


If you happen to be a die-hard weight lifter and don't enjoy any of the above activities, you can still get some benefit of aerobic training by lowering the rest time between each of your sets to 60 seconds or less.  This will keep your heart rate high enough to get some of the same effects as aerobic exercise.


To gauge if you are getting the correct level of activity, there are two common scales currently in use. Target heart rate (THR) is the rate at 50-85 percent of your maximum ability.  This range is where the maximum aerobic advantage is gained from the exercise.  The chart below lists the desired target rates for different age groups for well-conditioned individuals who can work at 70-85% of their THR.  A simple way to calculate your target heart rate is to subtract your age from 220, and multiply by the desired percentage. 


The other method of judging the effectiveness of your workout is a subjective scale, known as the Borg Scale.  Using this method you would determine the amount of work you are doing by the effort you feel from performing the exercise.  For aerobic exercise, you should be in the moderate difficulty range.  For strength training you should feel the exercise is in the high difficulty range.


 Target Heart Rates  (70-85%)                                Borg Scale



Desired Range for Heart Rate During Endurance Exercise (beats per minute)
















  (Source: Exercise: A Guide by the National Institute on Aging)



 Resistance training with heavy weight and long rest periods in between sets will only give you the strength and bone density benefits and not the cardiovascular benefits.  In fact, there is some evidence that weight training without aerobic activity can actually increase your chances of a heart attack or a stroke.  So if you lift weights, make sure you get some aerobic activity too.


Physical fitness doesn't have to be overly difficult.  All you really need are basic strength and aerobic exercises to be in great shape.  You don't need any fancy equipment - a good set of dumbbells can do wonders (but good equipment can make it easier and more fun).  There are many excellent books on physical fitness if you need some suggestions on setting up a routine.


Even if you want maximum growth, a good workout should not exceed 45 minutes, and you should not work the same body part to failure more than every three days.  Over-training can be damaging to your system, and muscles need rest to grow.  So don't over do it!


The best health benefits come not from doing a tremendous number of exercises, but from the intensity of the sets you are doing.  In other words, work to your peak performance.  Quality, not quantity of your exercises is what will get you the most out of your workouts. Work up to muscle failure if possible. Your last repetition is your most productive.


As with cardio training, gradually work up to a good fitness level. Do your routine 2-3 times a week, stretch for flexibility at the end and include a variety of exercises – or cross training. Cross training is a good idea for cardio exercise as well. You might integrate yoga into your exercise program. It’s great for flexibility, and it helps you avoid injuries.


Laziness accomplishes the opposite.


But don’t overdo it. Over 45 minutes of intense sustained exercise might get you into the Mr. or Ms. Universe Contest, but it can be pro-aging and counterproductive. You have 168 hours in your week. Devoting just three of those hours vastly improves the other 165.


Most of all find and do exercises that you enjoy.


Diet and exercise are the two most important things for you to master if your goal is optimal health, longevity and appearance.


You can slow your aging down more than you think. A recent study at the University of Wisconsin showed that diet and exercise alone could increase the average life span to 100 years. Simply taking care of your life and your body might add over 20 years to your life span if you start early enough in life. But it’s never too late to start. Starting later will still add quality years, but not as many.


Finally, did you know one pound of muscle takes as much space as five pounds of fat? Resistance training can let you enjoy optimal health and make you look fantastic without losing weight – or even by gaining weight.


Don’t Forget Your Brain


Exercising your brain is just as important as your body. Play chess or other challenging games; do crossword puzzles; read and participate in problem solving.













There is a strong correlation between the longevity of a person’s teeth and their longevity in general. 


Dental health can have wide-reaching effects on overall health. Poor oral health can make you susceptible to other health conditions.


A clean mouth contains several hundred billion bacteria, and this number increases tenfold when the mouth is not sufficiently cleaned.


Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory oral disease that affects approximately 75% of US adults. Peridontis has harmful effects on overall health. It predisposes people to diabetes, insulin resistance, respiratory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis, complications of pregnancy, and cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease.  


If you are planning to live a long time, it would be helpful if you still had your own teeth.  Here we have included a few suggestions to care for your teeth and gums.


One of the best things you can do for the health of your mouth is to gargle, or even better, WaterPik®, with warm salt water.  The salt water will kill many of the bacteria that inhabit your teeth and gums and do a more effective job of removing and dissolving food debris than water alone. 


Brushing and flossing are of course absolutely necessary but cannot always reach all the food particles in your mouth.  That’s why we suggest using a WaterPik® as part of your oral hygiene routine.  Any bacteria you have in your mouth are there because they have a food source. A WaterPik® can remove nearly all the remaining food particles in your mouth.


If you are really curious about how you are doing with your oral hygiene, you can buy plaque staining tablets at most pharmacies.  The plaque will be temporarily dyed red on your teeth.  Once you know what your problem areas are, you can better focus on them.


If you are already experiencing difficulties with your teeth or gums, we suggest you be very wary of dentists who are overly eager to drill or perform root canals.  Gum abscesses for instance, are often mistaken for nerve abscesses, which require a root canal.  Gum infections can be cured without any surgery, simply by the patient or by using antibiotics.


Even your annual dental checkup may be damaging to your teeth.  When you have teeth scraped free of tartar, there is a risk of scraping some of your enamel off as well.  It is much more effective to simply dissolve away tartar than to scrape it.


It may also not be true that you can not regenerate your teeth if damage has occurred to them.  You may be able to remineralize your teeth with a highly concentrated solution of calcium and phosphorus.


 For more information on these subjects, look at the Dr. Robert O. Nara’s work. Dr. Nara founded an oral hygiene program called Oramedics.  He wrote a book on the subject: Money by the Mouthful: Everything That You Need to Know, About the Health of your Mouth and Body That No Doctor's Going to Tell You.


Common Sense and Safety


It would tragic if you followed all of the advice in this booklet and then managed to electrocute yourself by sticking your finger in an electric socket to see if it was working.  As we mentioned in the first section, accidents are the number five cause of death in the U.S.  Half of those deaths are automobile fatalities.  If biomedical science succeeds as we at Maximum Life Foundation believe it will, twenty years from now, accidents will be the number one killer.


Advancing technology comes with a price.  If you were able to go back in time and tell the leading developers of the automobile that their invention would be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, would they have continued?  Here are some general notes on driving with safety:


Ø  Never drive incapacitated.  Do not drive under the influence of any mind-altering substance and do not drive when overtired.  Recent studies indicate that a sleepy driver is just as dangerous as a drunken one. 


Ø  Be aware of the driving conditions, and drive accordingly.


Ø  Maintain your car as if your life depended on it.  It does. Brakes and tires should be inspected regularly.


Ø  Always be aware of where vehicles are around you in all directions. (i.e. check your mirrors and blind spots frequently)


Ø  Always drive defensively.  The other drivers are usually not looking out for you, so look out for them.


Household accidents also rank highly on the list of accidental causes of death.  Survey your home for potential sources of accidents.  Walk from room to room.  Make immediate corrections if possible, and make a list of those things you can't do right away.  Where are those sharp corners in your home?  Those slippery floors?  Dangerous items? Many people die each year from slip and falls in their own bathroom.  Below are some other safety considerations for you to be aware of.


Ø  A fire extinguisher should be easily available in the kitchen. 


Ø  Every room should have a smoke detector.


Ø  All of your emergency numbers should be next to a phone.


Ø  Always read labels of household chemicals before using.  Are they flammable? Poisonous?


Ø  Be careful when mixing household chemicals. They can sometimes produce toxic fumes (ammonia and bleach for example)


Ø  Use products that give off fumes in a well ventilated area.


Ø  Don't store household chemicals near an open flame or a heat source.


Ø  Don't use or store toxic substances around food.


Ø  Never take or administer medication in the dark.


Ø  Never use medicine that is out of date, or that has crumbled, changed color, etc.


Ø  Always read the instructions for household appliances and especially for power tools.


Ø  Be aware of unsafe electrical connections.


Ø  Use ladders with great care.


Ø  Lock and safely store firearms.


Ø  At least one person in the household should be first aid and CPR certified.


In general, simply be aware of your situation at all times.  The most avoidable deaths are the ones caused by downright stupidity.  You can be vigilant without being paranoid.   We hope these suggestions will make your life a little safer.


Environmental Concerns


After the food in our diet, the next largest sources of damage to our bodies are the air we breathe, the water we drink and exposure to radiation (the sun!).  In this section we will briefly outline ways you can make sure you minimize your exposure to these sources of damage.


If you are a smoker, I'm sure you are sick and tired of hearing about how dangerous smoking is.  Well we’re going to tell you one more time.  Smoking is the largest preventable underlying cause of death in the world.  Smoke from cigarettes has over two hundred individual carcinogens.  So if you read this booklet but continue to smoke, forget everything else we have told you, because it won't do you much good unless you quit immediately. 


Study after study proves smokers die 8 years sooner than non-smokers on average. In fact, 50% of smokers are eventually killed by their habit. 


Another common source of airborne damage to the human body is exhaust fumes from automobiles and their associated chemicals.  If you exercise outdoors, try to stay away from busy streets.  Because of increased respiration during exercise, you are even more likely to inhale noxious chemicals.  Be aware that some of the additives found in gasoline (especially the one that causes that particular odor at the gas station) are known carcinogens.


The second largest cause of lung cancer in the U.S. is a radioactive gas that is found in many households throughout the country - radon.  Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly in high concentrations.  It seeps up from the ground and sometimes becomes trapped in houses.  You should make sure your house is tested yearly for radon, and possibly consider installing radon detectors and vents in your household.


Another simple way to maintain air quality in your house is by installing air filtration units.  People with allergies will certainly appreciate the difference in air quality in a filtered home.  By reducing the amount of particles in your air, you also reduce the chances of spreading bacteria and viruses.


Many municipal water utilities do not go to great lengths to provide you with pure water.  Water filtration systems have become very inexpensive and are well worth the cheap health insurance they provide for you.  There are several sink top models available, but the healthiest water is produced by "selective filtration", products that have the ability to remove contaminants and not minerals.  If you have a reverse osmosis unit, make sure you take a good mineral supplement.  Some experts advocate water ionizers that alkalize your water.


One of the biggest factors in how old you look is how much sun you have been exposed to over the course of your lifetime.  Any suntan is actually a response by your skin cells to their DNA being damaged.  Repeated, long term exposure to direct sunlight has a direct effect on the appearance of your skin and the likelihood that you will get skin cancer as you age.  If you have to be out in the sun for long periods, or during peak hours between 10 am and 2 pm, then find a good sunblock with a very high SPF number.  Also make sure that the block protects against both types of solar rays - UVA and UVB.


If you want to live to your fullest potential, minimize the damage you do to your body on a daily basis.  Take a good, hard look at the environment you spend your days in, and see if you can eliminate frequent sources of molecular damage.  You'll thank yourself in the long run!




Most obesity is a direct result of lifestyle choices.


Obesity is becoming an epidemic. Nearly 1/3 of American adults are obese, and a 52 year-long study tells us, on average, obese people die 7 years earlier than normal weight adults. More recent studies show that the more people weigh, the older their cells appear on a molecular level, with obesity adding the equivalent of nearly 9 years of age to a person's body.


Did you know being overweight is also a cancer risk factor? It accounts for 20% of the cancer deaths in women and 14% in men.


So here are some tips:


Following SALADS™ steps 1, 2 and 5 will optimize your weight and extend your life and well-being.  Obesity is a very big RISK.


Some Lifestyle basics are, move more, eat less and laugh every chance you get… especially at yourself.


And a good rule of thumb is, don’t do the crazy things you did when you were 18.












Anti-Aging Medicine


Most doctors are simply mechanics. They do their best to fix you when something goes wrong (if it’s not too late). Anti-aging medicine may fix you too. But more importantly, it helps insure something doesn’t go wrong in the first place. A good anti-aging specialist could keep you from needing a mechanic. (Did you ever notice most people take better care of their cars than they do of their own bodies? It’s sad but true.) But have a good internist too in case something goes wrong and you ever need treatment. Modern medicine usually equates to treatment over prevention. If you work with a good anti-aging physician though, you’ll need only a fraction of the modern medicine our society has come to rely on.


A good anti-aging doctor will start with an extensive blood panel to evaluate your present condition and to establish a baseline for you. He or she will recommend colonoscopies every 5-10 years after the age of 50 or sooner (this alone would reduce your colon cancer death chance by 90%), will schedule other important tests and will monitor your health and progress. If you’re over 50 and never had a colonoscopy, you’re rolling dice with your life


We think the best place to start this topic is using hormones to treat aging.  After reviewing available data, we currently feel proper hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be extremely beneficial to those over the age of fifty, who are experiencing declines in their hormone levels.


Here’s our rationale for this conclusion. We mentioned in the introduction that, as we age, we have certain control systems that begin to break down.  One set of these key systems are those parts of the brain (the endocrine system) that control the level of hormones circulating in your body. 


For reasons that aren't completely clear yet, these systems start to go out of balance in middle age, resulting in a steady decline or sometimes an abrupt shutoff in production of particular hormones.  Since medical science has yet to come up with a way of turning these systems back on in humans, the next best thing is to try to manually regulate our hormonal levels.


One of the major concerns with HRT, and especially estrogen, was that it might increase a person's chance of having cancer.  In the case of breast cancer, this idea has been greatly exaggerated.  There is little or no data in human beings that shows that “natural” estrogen increases the chances of cancer. There are studies that show evidence of serous health problems caused by “synthetic” forms of estrogen. 


But natural estrogen has so many benefits for aging women; it should be worth trying. Consider this: approximately half of all women die from heart disease, less than 10% die from breast cancer.  Natural estrogen has been shown to be very protective against almost all forms of heart disease and provides terrific protection against osteoporosis.  So if you are a woman, you a have 1 in 2 chance of dying of heart disease, or a 1 in 10 chance of dying of breast cancer. 


For men, there also happens to be very little data to support the idea that testosterone will cause prostate cancer.  In fact in some studies, it has been shown to possibly protect against it.  The problem is that if you DO have prostate cancer there are two kinds - one that is made worse by testosterone and the type that isn’t affected for better or worse by it.  So If you have a blood test and discover your testosterone levels are low, we suggest supplementing with testosterone under a qualified physician’s guidance, but ONLY after testing for prostate cancer (with a PSA test and a digital rectal exam).  If the PSA is at all questionable, your physician might even suggest a transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy.


Once again, the potential benefits of hormone replacement outweigh the negative consequences.  These benefits include increased muscle tone, more active sex drive, better skin and hair condition and better immune system function.


The important thing to keep in mind though is, if you proceed, you should do so only under the guidance of an intelligent anti-aging physician.  He or she should test your hormonal levels and monitor your health before and during supplementing hormones to make sure you aren't receiving too much.  As with any biologic molecule, too much can be just as problematic as too little.  The idea is to bring your system back into balance, not to overwhelm it.


There are many anti-aging clinics popping up around the country. More and more, you will start seeing physicians who specialize in anti-aging medicine.  One of the primary treatments these physicians prescribe is hormone therapy.  Most of these people are reputable, but there are a few who aren't.  You might go to www.maxlife.org and see our Medical Advisory Board. Some of the best qualified Anti-Aging physicians in the country are listed there with links to their excellent web sites.  Make sure your physician is making every effort to track your progress through frequent lab tests and not just prescribing hormones at random.


The most commonly physician supplemented hormones are estrogen and progesterone in women, testosterone in men and growth hormone in both sexes.  In addition to these hormones, the majority of people also experience a decline in the hormones melatonin and DHEA. These too are available as over the counter supplements at any health food store.  As with the physician supplement hormones, the dosage will vary with the person.


A final word of advice about hormone replacement is that many people sell what they claim to be human growth hormone or human growth hormone releasing drugs.  The majority are snake oil salesmen.  Be very wary before purchasing any of these products.  Many of them are completely unproven, and the companies that sell them usually can't be trusted.  We are wary of growth hormone for anti-aging purposes no matter what the source. 


Unconventional Therapies for Cancer


We at the Maximum Life Foundation predict that in just a few years, our current medical technologies of drugs and surgery will seem very barbaric.  There are hundreds of different broad-based technologies and thousands of exciting breakthroughs being developed while you’re reading this.


For example, using strands of genetic material, Purdue University scientists have constructed tiny delivery vehicles that can carry anticancer therapeutic agents directly to infected cells, offering a potential wealth of new treatments for chronic diseases.


Or imagine a Trojan Horse-like cancer drug that can burrow into a tumor, seal the exits and detonate a lethal dose of anti-cancer toxins, all while leaving healthy cells untouched. MIT researchers have designed a nanoparticle to do just that.


The way in which medical science currently treats many life threatening diseases is similar to trying to rid your house of cockroaches with a hand grenade.  For a long time, physicians have relied on these tried and true "brute force" techniques to battle cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.


Slowly but surely though, biomedical scientists are beginning to give doctors the tools to intelligently combat these diseases.  It is no longer good enough just to fight the symptoms of a disease.  Now we have the tools to understand how and why a disease works the way it does.


Therapy for cancer patients has actually changed very little in the past thirty years.  The most commonly prescribed treatments are still to cut it out, burn it with radiation, or kill it with chemicals.  The problem with this idea is that cancer cells are a part of the patient, so these therapies often cause tremendous collateral damage to the patient.


Newer techniques are being developed and applied which specifically target cancer cells where they live and breathe - in the very molecules that allow them to grow with such great speed. 


There is an enzyme cyclooxegenase II (COX-2) which many types of cancer cells produce in great quantities.  Cancer cells use this enzyme to greatly speed up their metabolism, which in turn allows tumors to grow faster.  Luckily COX-2 is also involved in rheumatoid arthritis, so drugs that have been developed for those patients may have great benefit for cancer patients.  These drugs are called COX-2 inhibitors. To get these drugs you will most likely have to get your physician prescribe them.  Some of the brand names of these products are Celebrex, Vioxx, Lodine XL, and a European drug nimesulide that is not yet approved by the FDA but is safer than any of those currently prescribed in the U.S.  Both Celebrex and Vioxx have been linked to patient deaths.  We prefer a natural COX-2 inhibitor, the supplement Curcumin.


Another type of proteins that are typically over expressed in cancer cells is a group collectively known as the RAS oncogene family.  These proteins are part of the normal signaling mechanism that cells use to control their reproduction.  When there is too much of this type of signaling, cells divide too rapidly, growing out of control. 


There is a group of cholesterol lowering drugs that have been shown to stop the RAS proteins from signaling.  This class of drugs is known as the "statins". One of these drugs is called lovastatin and has shown to be very effective is slowing the growth and spread of cancer cells.


A new type of drug still in clinical testing is also showing tremendous progress in fighting cancer growth.  In order to grow, cancer cells need a blood supply just like any other cell type.  Tumors have the ability to grow new blood vessels in order to feed themselves. This new class of drug stops the formation of new blood vessels, essentially starving the tumor.  The two drugs currently undergoing testing are named angiostatin and endostatin.


I often describe to people how you can widen your of opportunity to take advantage tomorrow's extreme life extension technologies. These "bridges" could be the difference between your suffering and dying according to actuarial predictions or enjoying an indefinite youthful lifespan. Much is out of our control, but you have a choice to dramatically improve your odds. SALADS is such a choice.

The latest anti-aging medicine weapon in your arsenal is having your genomic profile read. Doing so could give you insights into what your particular genetic hazards are. Then you might be able to take steps today to reduce your risks. Now get this. Experts in the field believe we could increase our healthy lifespans by at least 10 years with this tool.


And here’s some really interesting news. Two companies provide this personal genotyping service for about $1000, 23andMe and Navigenics. See www.23andme.com and www.navigenics.com.


I also refer to Ray Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns quite often. That’s the law which illustrates the exponential rate of growth in technology as well as the decreasing cost of technology.


In the modern era, our knowledge has been advancing by quantum leaps compared to most of human history. For instance, scientific knowledge doubled from the year 1 A.D. to 1500 A.D. But by 1967, it doubled five more times... and each time, faster than before. Now it doubles in much less than 10 years.


So you see how the rate of change is accelerating.  This means the past is not a reliable guide to the future.  The 20th century was not 100 years of progress at today’s rate but, rather, was equivalent to about 20 years, because we’ve been speeding up to current rates of change.  And, we’ll make another 20 years of progress from the year 2000, equivalent to that of the entire 20th century, by 2014.  Then we’ll do it again by 2021.


Because of this exponential growth, the 21st century is projected to equal 20,000 years of progress at today’s rate of progress – 1,000 times greater than what we witnessed in the 20th century, which in itself was no slouch for change.


And you’re probably aware that the power of technology per dollar doubles every 12 months. This means our tools could be 1000 times more powerful in just 10 years and a billion times more powerful before mid century.


These laws of accelerating returns are some of the reasons why there will be dramatic interventions in the aging process in the near future and why you have a chance to benefit from them. We’re making progress faster, better and cheaper... and at a continually accelerating rate.


Here’s a current example of how powerful the Law of Accelerating Returns is:


The Human Genome Project was completed in April, 2003 (two years ahead of schedule) for roughly $3 billion. Then in May, 2007, Dr. James Watson’s genome was sequenced for about $1 million. The X Prize will be awarded to the first to sequence 100 individual’s genomes for $10,000 each with an Oct., 2013 deadline. I’ll bet someone cashes that prize in way before then.


This illustration dramatizes the impact the Law of Accelerating Returns will have on you, me and everyone else on this planet who decide to take care of themselves long enough to let radical life extending technologies to catch up to you. So please consider speaking with a progressive anti-aging physician about having your genomic profile read.














Where does the largest volume of chemicals your internal organs are exposed to come from?  Your food.  The most powerful weapon you currently have for fighting the ravages of aging is a healthy diet.


First, how much should you eat? Generally speaking, the more you eat, the less healthy you’ll be and the shorter you’ll live.


Of all the techniques that have been tried on mammals in an attempt to slow the process of aging, the only one that works definitively is caloric restriction.  This is a technique that has been used on mice, rats, and most recently monkeys.  It consists of reducing the total number of calories ingested by an animal by thirty percent.  This technique has resulted in an average of a fifteen percent (and as high as a thirty percent) increase in the maximum lifespan of rodents (the monkey studies are underway, but because of their longer lifespans the data isn't back yet).


In addition, there is some evidence that humans experience the exact same type of effects from caloric restriction as animals do.  Both animals and humans show lower blood glucose, lower cholesterol and decreased blood pressure while undergoing caloric restriction.  These factors may be the prime mechanisms of life extension in animals and could very possibly lead to longer lifespans in humans.


Okay, so are we saying we should all go out and reduce our calories by thirty percent?  Well this only works if it is started in young animals.  DO NOT reduce the number of calories you eat if you are over the age of seventy and close to your ideal weight, (if you are overweight you should be reducing your caloric intake anyway) as elderly people have difficulty absorbing enough of their food as it is.


If you are serious about proceeding with caloric restriction, we suggest you follow the advice of Dr. Roy Walford, one of the pioneers in this field.  He has an excellent book on the subject The Anti-Aging Plan.  His website, www.walford.com, contains excellent diet software.  This is a Spartan diet though, and takes some discipline to adhere to it.


As Dr. Walford and others have pointed out, what type of food you eat is also very important in caloric restriction.  You must still eat a fully nutritionally balanced meal.  This means you should be eating foods that are low in calories and high in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. 


There has also been a group of scientists and physicians who have been very vocal in advocating what the mainstream media and the medical establishment calls a "high protein diet".  This group includes Dr. Robert Atkins, Atkins Diet; Dr. Barry Sears, Zone Diet; Drs. Andrews, Balart, and Bethea, Sugar Busters; and Drs. Mary and Michael Eades, , seed Power


None of these diets is really extremely high in protein; they are just lower in carbohydrates than what the USDA has been recommending for the past 30 years.  This group and Dr. Walford are essentially all saying the same thing – simple carbohydrates can KILL! After a thorough review of the literature, it becomes clear that these people are right, and anyone who is saying 60%+ of your diet should be carbohydrates is dead wrong (pun intended) unless they are made up exclusively of high fiber complex carbohydrates found in foods such as raw vegetables and fruits and whole grains.  A high simple carbohydrate diet has been implicated as being a factor in heart disease, cancer, diabetes and a whole host of other problems.


One of the most damaging groups of substances we are exposed to on a daily basis is refined sugars and starches.  Our metabolism was just not designed to handle the tremendous amount of nutrient free calories (i.e. sugar, starches, and to some degree fat) that the typical American diet has in it.  The majority of those calories come from refined sugar (sweets, soft drinks, etc.) and starches (bread and pasta).


Excess sugar and starch is a nasty triple whammy to your system.  First, high blood sugar causes excess insulin release.  There are two hormones that control the amount of sugar in your blood stream - insulin and glucagon.  Insulin causes sugar to be taken into the cells, while glucagon causes it to be released.  By eating excess carbs, you put your blood sugar control system into a dangerous roller coaster type of action. Up, down, up, down… after repeated bouts of this, the system will crash.  The result is type II diabetes, which is becoming more and more prevalent in this country.  These people are unable to take up sugar efficiently, because their cells no longer respond to insulin. A nasty side effect of this process is that your body begins producing way too much insulin to try and overcome the unresponsiveness of the cells.  So now you have high insulin and high blood sugar which causes all kinds of damage to your arteries.  This includes higher cholesterol in your blood, more useless molecules being made by sticking to the excess sugar (crosslinking) which clogs your arteries, production of oxidized molecules, and release of the hormone cortisol, which causes tissue breakdown.


Insulin also causes excess sugar to be converted to fat. Want to lose weight? Stay away from white flour and sugar.


To replace those high calorie, low nutrient carbohydrates you were consuming before, eat lots of fruit and vegetables.  Some fruits that have been discovered to be particularly good for their anti-aging properties are blueberries, pomegranates, bilberries, strawberries, purple grapes, and tomatoes (yes tomatoes are technically fruits, not vegetables).  Fruits with deep blue or purple colors (blueberries, bilberries, and purple grapes) tend to have high concentrations of anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. Strawberries have high concentrations of ellagic acid, another antioxidant which has been shown to protect rats against many age related defects.  The molecule lycopene in tomatoes is yet another powerful antioxidant.


Increasing vegetables and fruits from two to only five servings a day can cut the incidence of many cancers in half.


Eat a wide variety of fresh produce or frozen produce… and lots of it. Eat a minimum of 6 servings of fresh vegetables per day. This isn’t as much as it seems. One serving = ½ cup, or 1 cup if they are leafy vegetables. A good rule of thumb is to stay with brightly colored veggies. And eat a wide variety – organic if possible. You should also add 1-3 servings of fresh fruit per day. Again have a wide variety – and again, organic if possible. Combine your fruit with protein and healthy fats to slow sugar absorption. Stay away from white potatoes too. Your body reacts to them like it reacts to white bread. Increasing vegetables and fruits from 2 servings to only 5 servings a day can cut the incidence of many cancers in half.  That’s only 2 ½ cups. Consider getting a Vita Mix. It’s like a kitchen in one appliance and is the best juicer on the market.


So the final message on dietary content is - lower your carbohydrate intake by replacing high calorie, low nutrient carbs (white bread, pasta, rice, table sugar, soda, candy) with low calorie, high nutrient carbs (brightly colored fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes, whole grain breads and brown rice).


In addition to changing what you eat, consider changing when you eat.  The fluctuations in your insulin levels, which are so damaging to your system, can also be controlled by eating smaller, more frequent meals.  This will also boost your metabolism, causing calories to be burned faster, and raise your energy level


In a nutshell, here are the Maximum Life Foundation dietary recommendations:


Ø  Reduce your simple carbohydrate intake by removing refined sugars and starches from your diet.  The first things to go should be candy, cookies and soda.  Large amounts of pasta, white breads, and potatoes also are problems and should be scaled back.


Ø  Replace the above carbohydrates with at least six servings of brightly colored fresh or frozen vegetables and 1-3 servings of fruit each day.  One serving equals ½ cup.  Fruits and vegetables are nutrient dense sources of carbohydrates and contain loads of essential vitamins, minerals many of which are terrific antioxidants (to be discussed below in the supplements section).


Ø  Combine fruit with protein and healthy fats to slow sugar absorption.


Ø  Eat lean protein, mostly from plant foods if possible. Plants have 1/7 the contaminants of animal products. Eat 6 servings of quality protein per day plus soy, whey and egg protein powder. One serving equals 3 ounces of meat.


Ø  Lower your fat intake.  Deep-fried foods and solid fats (butter, margarine and lard) are especially damaging to your digestive and cardiovascular system.  If you do eat fried foods, fry with extra virgin olive oil, and stir fry rather than deep fry. 


Ø  Replace bad fats with good fats.  You need fats to absorb many vitamins and to have cells function properly.  Low fat diets trigger famine response and increased production of body fat.  But get your fats from monounsaturated fats and essential fatty acids.  Saturated fats (bad fats) are found in meat and dairy products.  They promote heart disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis.  Trans-fatty acids are even worse.  They’re basically unsaturated oils treated with hydrogen to create an artificial saturated fat.  A perfect example is heated French fries.  Eat fresh olives, olive oil, canola oil, avocados, and nuts and supplement with fish oil.


Ø  Increase your intake of fish.  Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (the good fat) which aid immune function, cardiovascular health and brain health.  Eat fish at least 3 times per week.   But limit your intake of larger fish found at the top of the food chain such as and swordfish, tuna and shark because of the high toxic levels of mercury.


Ø  Lower your intake of red meat.  Red meat is high in nitrosamines, a compound that has been directly linked to some forms of cancer.  It is also much higher fat than most other meat. (It is a myth that all meat causes cancer.  There is no correlation between cancer and high protein intake, only red meat and cancer).  Lean skinless poultry breast is a good substitute with only occasional lean red meat.  We prefer ostrich as a red meat choice.  Ostrich is tasty and has a fraction of the fat found even in turkey.  Low fat dairy products including egg whites and beans/legumes and soy products are good protein sources.


Ø  Avoid blackened or burnt foods.  Food charred to a crisp contains many toxic chemicals and has been implicated in some forms of cancer.


Ø  The average person should eat less than 2000 calories a day (around 12 calories per pound of your optimal weight or 80% of your optimal weight if you’re on a caloric restricted diet). For a 2,000 calorie a day diet we recommend a 40% carbohydrate, 40% protein, 20% fat diet (percentage of calories).  We’re all different, and the 40:40:20 ratio is a rule of thumb.  For example, I go slightly higher in protein and a littler lower in fat and carbohydrates, but recent studies suggest a high protein diet may increase your IGF-1 level which could shorten your life and increase your cancer risk. This may be attributed to the fact that methionine, one of the body’s essential amino acids, is prone to rapid oxidation. That may be a reason to increase your intake of antioxidants such as protected glutathione if you are on a higher than normal protein diet. High protein diets can also deplete calcium. The 40:40:20 ratio will shift toward more complex carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) if you are observing a strict reduced calorie diet.  Some people function better with more fats or more carbohydrates. 


Ø  Graze, or eat smaller meals that are more spaced out through the day.  Five to six smaller meals is much healthier than three large meals.


Ø  Drink plenty of filtered water (at least ½ ounce a day for each pound of body weight), and eliminate or reduce soda and coffee from your diet.


Ø  Inflammation and glycation damage your immune system and promote disease. So, stay away from refined foods. Low fat varieties are usually high in sugar. Whole grain foods and fresh fruit have more fiber and are converted to sugars more gradually. Fiber also prevents carcinogens from entering your bloodstream.


Ø  Reduce your intake of dairy products in general. Cow’s milk has 59 active hormones, scores of allergens, fat and cholesterol, and most of it contains herbicides, pesticides, dioxins, up to 52 powerful antibiotics, blood, pus, feces, bacteria and viruses. Get you calcium from non-dairy sources. You’ll find calcium in every natural food we eat. For example, a cup of sesame seeds contains ten times the calcium as a cup of milk.


You can follow these guidelines and still enjoy eating. In fact, if you like to eat, you should have extra incentive to live longer. Just think, if you add only 5 years to your life - that means you get to eat at least 5500 more meals.


Finally, here are the top 10 foods for longer life.  They’re all backed by major independent studies.


1.      Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain a very powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Studies show lycopene cuts cancer rates by 40% and heart disease by 50%. And it makes the elderly function better mentally. Tomato sauce has five times as much lycopene as fresh tomatoes. Canned have three times as much. 


2.      Olive oil: Reduces death from heart disease and cancer. Use extra virgin olive oil.


3.      Red or purple Grapes: Grape juice and red wine increase longevity. 2 alcoholic drinks per day maximum.


4.      Garlic: is packed with antioxidants. It fights Cancer and heart disease and is over all anti-aging.


5.      Spinach: is right behind garlic for antioxidant protection. It’s rich in folic acid which helps fight cancer, heart disease and mental disorders and may help prevent Alzheimer’s.


6.      Whole Grains: can lower odds of death by 15%. They contain anti-cancer agents and help stabilize blood sugar and insulin as I mentioned earlier.


7.      Salmon and other fatty fish: contain lots of Omega 3 fatty acids which fight virtually every disease and keep your brain and heart functioning optimally. It also lowers inflammation.


8.      Nuts: Eat over 5 oz/week. They can cut heart attack deaths by 40% in women. Almonds and walnuts lower cholesterol. Unsalted are best for you. And eat them raw if you can. But I personally find that beer tastes way better with salted roasted nuts. Hey, you don’t have to be a fanatic about this stuff to make it work for you.


9.      Blueberries: are high in antioxidants. ½ cup/day can retard aging and block brain changes leading to fading memory.


10.  Green and Black Tea: Maybe white too. 1 cup/day can cut heart disease risk in half. Instant or bottled have little effect.


11.  Pomegranate: Oops, did I say 10?  New studies show pomegranate to be one of the richest sources of antioxidants. Life Extension Foundation offers an excellent pomegranate supplement. www.lef.org. More about pomegranate later in this article.


How about fasting? There are pro’s and con’s about extended fasts, but nearly everyone agrees that skipping meals, or fasting for 1-3 days gives your digestive system a rest and helps detoxify your system. You can also get the beneficial effects of caloric restriction if you eat as much as you want every other day and fast every other day. Caloric restriction is the only proven way to extend maximum life spans in mammals. It’s also an effective way to dodge diabetes, heart disease and nearly every other disease associated with aging. If you fast, be sure to drink plenty of pure water.


You will live a long healthy life to the extent you can prevent oxidation; reduce inflammation; prevent glycation and enhance methylation. So start SALADS™ today. You’ll never have a chance to relive it.










Stress Management


Just like exercise, emotion signals your cells to grow strong or weaken. The same molecular pathways go to work on your behalf or to your detriment. Stress, hostility and loneliness starve your cells and put them in danger. On the other hand, optimism and love trigger growth. Like deciding to exercise, you can pretty much master your emotions. Again, it’s a choice.


How much stress do you experience during the average day? Chronic stress kills. It kills by way of causing heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s and more. So make chronic stress reduction and relaxation a priority in your life. The good news is, it’s not hard to do. All you need to do is stop and get off the horse once in a while. Relaxation is not only fun and easy to do, but it will extend your life and help keep you from getting sick. Focus and intentional practice are much more effective than passive relaxation though. You might try meditation, yoga, prayer, deep breathing exercises and tai chi.


Physical and emotional stress causes the release of cortisol and the catecholamines (adrenaline and nor-adrenaline), hormones that keep the body performing under high stress situations.  These hormones are good in short bursts, such as in emergency situations, but damaging after long periods of exposure. 


Catecholamines are also known as the fight or flight hormones, because they "rev up" your system (increase blood pressure and heart rate) in response to stress.  Cortisol suppresses normal inflammatory responses and immune function to allow you to continue to be able to function in an emergency.  Long term exposure to cortisol and the catecholamines though, is linked to a whole host of physiological problems, including memory loss, immune system inhibition, endocrine system disruption, increased free radical production, chronic increased blood pressure and chronic increased heart rate.


In our modern day world we are exposed to many situations which our bodies perceive as stressful.  Work, traffic jams, family problems, financial challenges and so forth, all cause this system to activate.  The system designed to help us in an emergency becomes dangerous to our health if it runs all the time.


You can do several things to control your stress and lessen its detrimental effects.  One of the first is to eliminate any artificial chemical stress your might be putting on your body.  The body has a hard enough time managing stress without its stress management system turned on by external chemicals.


Caffeine releases excess cortisol and catecholamines (adrenaline and nor-adrenaline), so it mimics the effect of stress.  High blood sugar, caused by consuming high levels of carbohydrates (especially food high in refined sugar) can also mimic the effects of stress by causing large doses of insulin to be released into your blood stream.  High insulin levels then cause release of cortisol, suppressing your immune system.  Salt is one other chemical stressor, because it can unnaturally raise your blood pressure.


From the mental standpoint, you are responsible for all the emotional stress placed on your body.  If you perceive a situation as stressful, your body will react.  If you can manage difficult situations without overreacting, you save your body from unnecessary chemical damage.


There is a strong correlation between stressful situations and illness.  Drs. T. H. Holmes and R. H. Rahe have researched this and put together a Social Readjustment Scale.  To see whether you are in danger of illness, look at the chart below, and add up the number of Life Crisis Units (LCU's) you have received in the past two years.  If you are in danger, you should take immediate steps to alleviate your stress and return to a more healthy condition.


                     LCUs            Probability of Illness

  300                                  80%+

200-299                         50%

150-199                         33%


EVENT                                                            LCUs

Death of spouse                                                  100

Divorce                                                                     73

Separation                                                               65

Jail term                                                                   63

Death of close family member                           63

Personal illness or injury                                       53

Marriage                                                                   50

Fired at work                                                          47

Marital reconciliation                                           45

Retirement                                                              45

Change in health of family member                 44

Pregnancy                                                                40

Sex difficulties                                                       39

Gain of new family member                               39

Business readjustment                                         38

Change in financial state                                     38

Death of close friend                                            37

Change to a different line of work                     36

Change in number of arguments with spouse                  35

A large mortgage or loan                                      30

Foreclosure of mortgage or loan                         30

EVENT                                                             LCUs

Son or daughter leaving home                            29

Trouble with in-laws                                              29

Outstanding personal achievement                   28

Spouse begins or stops work                                26

Begin or end of school or college                        26

Change in living conditions                                 25

Change in personal habits                                   24

Trouble with boss                                                  23

Change in work hours or conditions                                  20

Change in residence                                              20

Change in school or college                                 20

Change in recreation                                             19

Change in church activities                                 19

Change in social activities                                   18

A moderate loan or mortgage                             17

Change in sleeping habits                                    16

Change in number of family get-togethers       15

Change in eating habits                                        15

Holiday                                                                    13

Christmas                                                                 12

Minor violations of law                                        11


Taking care of your body will go a long way towards helping you cope with these situations.  The diet, exercise and supplementation routines mentioned above will better equip you to deal with the stresses placed on the human body in times of stress.  A good diet and supplementation will help you cope with increased production of free radicals caused by stress.  Exercise will increase your cardiovascular ability to handle stress and also increases your antioxidant potential.  Do you notice how often exercise keep popping up? Exercise and diet are paramount. If you don’t like exercise, at least go out for regular brisk walks.


In addition, when faced with difficult situations, make sure you get enough rest.  Fatigue can definitely reduce your immune function and healing ability.


In addition to exercise, there are many physical relaxation techniques you can do to reduce the effects of stress.  One of the best types is meditation and deep breathing techniques.  Meditation doesn't just have to be for eastern mystics.  Its health benefits have been shown in many different studies.


All meditation really is, is focusing on one thing for an extended period of time.  This allows your mind to reset itself and stop the vicious cycle of thinking about things that cause you stress.  Your brain, just like your muscles, can be overworked and needs recovery time.


Meditation gives you the following benefits:


Ø  slows your breathing


Ø  reduces your blood pressure


Ø  relaxes your muscles


Ø  gives your body time to eliminate lactic acid and other waste products


Ø  reduces anxiety


Ø  eliminates stressful thoughts


Ø  helps with clear thinking


Ø  helps with focus and concentration


Ø  reduces irritability


Ø  reduces stress headaches


The essence of meditation is to quiet your thoughts by focusing completely on just one thing. Unlike hypnosis, which is more of a passive experience, meditation is an active process that seeks to exclude outside distractions by concentrating all your thoughts on the subject of meditation.


In all cases, it helps if your body is relaxed. Get in a position that you can comfortably sustain for a period of time (20-30 minutes is ideal, but even 5 minutes helps a lot). If you choose, and if you are sufficiently supple, the lotus position may work best for you. Otherwise, sitting in a comfortable chair or lying on a bed may be equally effective.


A number of different focuses of concentration may be used. Which one you choose is a matter or personal taste. Some of these are detailed below:


Ø  Breathing: Focus on each breath in and out, breathing in through your nose on a count of 7, hold for a count of 4, and breathe out through your mouth on a count of 8.  Inhale and exhale completely, totally filling and emptying your lungs.

Ø  Focusing on an object: Completely focus on one object.  Choose something pleasant and interesting to look at, and then examine it in detail.  Observe its color, shape, texture, etc.


Ø  Focus on a sound: Some people like to focus on sounds. The classic example is the Sanskrit word 'Om', meaning 'perfection'.


Ø  Imagery:  Create a mental image of a pleasant and relaxing place in your mind. Involve all your senses in the imagery: see the place, hear the sounds, smell the aromas, feel the temperature and the wind.


In all cases, keep your attention focused. If external thoughts or distractions wander in, let them drift out. If necessary, visualize attaching the thoughts to objects and then move the objects out of your attention.


In addition to all the above suggestions, we also suggest looking into how well you manage your life.  One of the primary reasons for stress is the feeling of being out of control.  Techniques such as personal goal setting and time management can help you feel like you have a better handle on your life.


Other stress reducers include supplementing with DHEA; ingesting certain herbs like green tea (use the matcha version); getting 8 hours of sleep; exercise; taking regular vacations and taking regular breaks during the work day.  During your breaks, do your deep breathing exercises, eat a small snack or meal, work out… and most of all, completely detach from your work and any problems.


Unfortunately, the old wives’ tale about stress turning your hair gray is in many respects true.  Because of the damage to multiple systems in your body people who are constantly exposed to stress are much more likely to appear and feel older.  So use all these techniques to your advantage and maintain your youth.


How about retirement? Do you think that would be a stress reducer? Think again. Studies show that on average, people who retire die earlier than those who continue working. Does that mean you should never retire from your job or business? No. Retiring from your job is fine. But if you want a long and healthy life, never retire from meaningful activities. Get involved with mentoring younger generations or with charities for example. Golf and fishing aren’t considered “Meaningful activities”.


So that wraps up SALADS™. Follow it carefully, and you will overcome or mitigate much or most of the genetic bad hand you might have been dealt. We have come to learn that we are not as governed by our genetic makeup as we once thought. As it turns out, your lifestyle determines more of how you end up than your genes do.


It simply boils down to a matter of personal choice. Your future’s biggest determining factors are the decisions you make now. Your choices make up who you are, how you end up, and in this case, how long you will live. So take charge of your life and your future now. You are not controlled by your genes, your environment or your associates. You are a product of the choices you make, plain and simple.


You’ll look and feel great… and live longer too.


SALADS™ promotes optimal health and vitality through every level of life. There’s no reason to “feel like 60” when you can feel like 30 or 40 at 60.


Do you want to look great... or look great “for your age”? Do you want to feel great... or feel great “for your age”? There’s a huge difference.


Now you might be thinking, this sounds like a lot of work.


It might also seem like these habits will take time away from your work or family. The truth is exercise and stress reduction techniques, along with a healthy diet and supplementation will give you more energy and better sleep patterns. They make you more effective, more efficient and more productive in less time. The net result is you should have as much time as you have now for your normal activities... but more weeks, months and years to do the other things that are important to you.


I think it was Einstein who first said it. “Insanity is to continue what you’ve always done – but to expect different results.”


People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones though. But if you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone. So it will take a little effort.


You might not be ready for this message, and you might not be ready until disaster strikes. I hope not. The sad truth is people will typically go to the ends of the earth to cure something that goes wrong but will spend little if any time, money and effort for prevention. I’m totally convinced if you follow SALADS™, you’ll extend the quantity and quality of your life… and possibly save it in the process!


Wherever you go, you’re barraged with messages from some world class marketing experts. If you asked them, every one will tell you how hard it is to sell prevention. People will go to the ends of the earth for cures but will generally do little to prevent bad things from happening. There are psychological reasons for this insanity… but no rational reasons.


Therefore, my job is a tough sale. But it’s a rational one – and a critical one. I could find lots of easier things to do with my life – but not anything more important.


This information can and will avoid suffering and save lives. Maybe your life. And if I can enhance or save your life, I’ve accomplished a big part of my mission.


So let’s take a look at the concepts of prevention and effort and see if we really do take the easy way out when we get lazy.


Did you know real regrets only come from not doing your best? Think about it. So don’t expect more than half-hearted results from half-hearted efforts. Ironically, life is actually easy when you live it the hard way... and hard if you try to live it the easy way. In other words, the rewards so far outnumber the effort that you end up cheating and hurting yourself when you try to take the easy way out.


So when you start getting negative or lazy, try to catch yourself and throw up a mental picture that motivates you to healthy habits that lead you to a long youthful life.


If your present habits are unhealthy and you continue them, what will your state of health be in 10 years? Or 20 years? Will you be blind from not understanding how bad sugar is for you? Will you be unable to walk and talk because of the stroke you could have avoided by simply having your doctor monitor your fibrinogen level? Will you not know your own name or the faces of your closest family members because you ignored advice about eating healthy fats? How about the major heart attack you could have dodged by simply taking a daily baby aspirin? Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US and one of the easiest to avoid. Will you even be alive in 10 or 20 years? I hope so… and way beyond that.


Now I don’t mean to be an alarmist. But several of my friends have died already. In almost every single case, they had habits that typically lead to the diseases that killed them. Some others are suffering miserably from many the conditions and diseases I described to you. Again, most, if not all could have avoided these conditions by following SALADS™. You can master SALADS™ very quickly by combining some simple basic information with a dose of common sense and a simple desire to look and feel good.


Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich identified 16 traits that all successful people share. The top five apply to health success as well as business and personal success. Let’s look at these five for a moment.


1.      Burning Desire. Do you have a vivid vision of your desired future health?

2.      Superior Knowledge. This is what you’re starting to get today. You don’t have to master any of this information. You just need instant access to it. And you can get that at www.MaxLife.org

3.      Discipline. Now you know exactly where to start and what to do.

4.      Decisiveness. Napoleon Hill says to gather data, analyze information, make decisions on the spot and stick to those decisions. I’m just asking you to make an informed decision as to your health and well-being and to encourage you from sacrificing long-term satisfaction for short-term gratification. You’re in charge of your outcome. Nobody else.

5.      All successful people surround themselves with a mastermind team or support group. Share this information with you family and friends. If you need support, we can give it to you. You don’t need to know what the team members know. You only need access to an informed group such as Maximum Life Foundation.


So here’s what I’m hoping you’ll do. Practice SALADS™ for two months. You can find downloadable details at maxlife.org. Fall off the wagon one day a week if you want. Start with a complete check up including a blood panel with a good anti-aging doctor. After two months, get tested again. If you don’t see and feel an amazing difference, then go back to your old habits. But I believe you’ll continue… and tack on those extra 5-20 energetic years I promised you.


So to maximize your chances for optimal health and longevity, take ACTION.


And if you don’t take action now, you might never do it… or you might wait till it’s too late.


So again, start SALADS™ today.























Bonus Supplement Courtesy of Life Extension Foundation



On your quest for maximum health and longevity, it’s helpful to know something about how and why we age… and what you can do to take even more aggressive steps to “turn back the clock”.  Life Extension Foundation (www.lef.org) has been generous enough to let us share the following information with you.

14 Known Mechanisms Involved in Aging…                 and What You Can Do About Them

The phenomenon known as aging is a result of pathological changes that are somewhat controllable using existing technologies. By prolonging our healthy life spans today (by protecting against these known mechanisms of aging), we put ourselves in a position to take advantage of future medical breakthroughs that could result in dramatic extensions of the human life span.

Here are some of the underlying controllable culprits involved in pathological aging and what humans can do right now to help counteract them:

1. Chronic Inflammation

Aging people suffer an epidemic of outward inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, but chronic systemic inflammation also damages brain cells, arterial walls, heart valves, and other structures in the body. Heart attack, stroke, heart valve failure, and Alzheimer’s senility have been linked to the chronic inflammatory cascade so often seen in aging humans.*

Some methods to counteract: Eat a low-glycemic diet rich in omega-3 and monounsaturated fats, but low in omega-6 and saturated fats. Take supplements that provide omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, garlic, ginger, pomegranate, luteolin, lipoic acid, 5-Loxin, vitamin K, and vitamin E. Avoid eating foods cooked at high temperatures and minimize foods high in arachidonic acid. Have your blood tested for C-reactive protein. If C-reactive protein is chronically elevated, request an Inflammatory Cytokine blood test panel.

2. Glycation

It is well known that diabetics age prematurely, but even non-diabetics suffer from a devastating chemical reaction called glycation, where protein molecules bind to glucose molecules in the body to form non-functioning structures. Glycation is most evident in senile dementia, stiffening of the arterial system, and degenerative diseases of the eye.*

Some methods to counteract: Take 250 mg a day of a form protected from digestive system destruction, 50-150 mg a day of benfotiamine, lots of antioxidants, and avoid eating foods cooked at high temperatures.

3. Methylation Deficit

Cellular DNA requires constant enzymatic actions (methylation) for maintenance and repair. Aging cripples youthful methylation metabolism causing DNA damage that can manifest as cancer, liver damage, and brain cell degeneration.*

Some methods to counteract: Consume at least 800 mcg a day of folic acid, 300 mcg a day of vitamin B12, 50 mg a day of vitamin B2, 100 mg a day of vitamin B6, 500-3000 mg a day of TMG. If homocysteine levels remain persistently high (which can be a sign of methylation deficit), take 800 mcg to 5000 mcg of 5-methylfolate twice a day.

4. Mitochondrial Energy Depletion

The cell’s energy powerhouse (the mitochondria) requires a complex series of chemicals to be present in order to maintain critical functions such as transporting nutrients through the cell membrane and purging the cell of toxic debris. Mitochondrial energy depletion can result in congestive heart failure, muscle weakness, fatigue, and neurological disease.*

Some methods to counteract: Consume 1500-3000 mg a day of carnitine in the forms of acetyl-l-carnitine, acetyl-l-carnitine arginate, propionyl-l-carnitine, 150-300 mg a day of R-lipoic acid, 100-300 mg of coenzyme Q10. Consider calorie restriction.

5. Hormone Imbalance

The trillions of cells in the human body are delicately synchronized to function by chemical signals called hormones. Aging creates a severe hormone imbalance that is often a contributing cause to many diseases associated with aging including depression, osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, and loss of libido.*

Some methods to counteract: Have your blood checked for: 

  1. DHEA -S
  2. Pregnenolone
  3. Total and Free testosterone
  4. Estradiol (males)
  5. Total Estrogen (females)
  6. Progesterone (females and males)
  7. Thyroid Panel

Restore deficient hormones to youthful ranges, reduce excess hormones to safe ranges, re-test blood in 60 days to fine-tune dosing. Refer to Male and Female Hormone Modulation protocols and DHEA Restoration Therapy by logging in to www.lef.org.

6. Calcification

Calcium ions are transported into and out of cells through calcium channels in the cell membrane. Aging disrupts calcium transport, and the result is excess calcium infiltration into cells of the brain, heart valves, and middle arterial wall (causing arteriosclerosis).*

Some methods to counteract: Take around 10 mg of a vitamin K supplement that provides both vitamin K1 and K2 and drink 8-ounces of pomegranate juice or its powdered equivalent. Follow a lifestyle that protects against atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction. Have standard blood chemistry tests done annually to rule out excess blood calcium levels (hypercalcemia).

7. Fatty Acid Imbalance

The body requires essential fatty acids to maintain cell energy output. Aging causes alterations in enzymes required to convert dietary fats into the specific essential fatty acids the body requires to sustain life. The effects of a fatty acid imbalance may manifest as an irregular heart beat, joint degeneration, low energy, hyper-coagulation, dry skin, or a host of other common ailments associated with normal aging.*

Some methods to counteract: Make sure to consume enough omega-3 fatty acids and avoid excess consumption of omega-6 fats. Make sure monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil) are part of your regular diet.

8. DNA gene Mutation

Numerous synthetic and natural compounds mutate cellular DNA and cause cancer cells to form. Aging cells lose their DNA gene repair mechanisms and the result is that DNA genetic damage can cause cells to proliferate out of control, i.e., turn into cancer cells.*

Some methods to counteract: Restrict calorie intake, but do so without inducing malnutrition. Supplement with 20 mg a day of resveratrol and/or 500-1700 milligrams a day of the drug metformin (under physician supervision). Include lots of antioxidants in your supplement program. Limit amounts of deep-fried foods and those cooked at high temperatures. Take 100 mg of chlorophyllin with most meals.

9. Immune Dysfunction

For a variety of reasons, the aging immune system loses its ability to attack bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. In aging humans, excessive levels of dangerous cytokines are produced that cause the immune system to turn on its host and create autoimmune diseases associated with aging such as rheumatoid syndrome.*

Some methods to counteract: Maintain youthful hormone balance and guard against excess free radical production. Consider supplementing daily with 100 mg of Beta-1,3-D Glucan Complex to boost certain immune parameters while taking 8-16 mg daily of luteolin and 800-3200 mg daily of curcumin to suppress undesirable cytokines. Other foods and supplements to consider are whey protein, lactoferrin, DHEA, 7-keto DHEA, probiotics, matcha green tea extract; log on to www.lef.org to access the latest Immune System Strengthening Protocol.

10. Non-Digestive Enzyme Imbalance

Internal cellular functions depend on multiple enzymatic reactions occurring with precise timing. Aging causes enzyme imbalances primarily in the brain and liver, which results in severe neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s or the persistent memory loss aging people so often complain about. Impaired liver function results in toxic damage to every cell in the body.*

Some methods to counteract: Consider supplementing with 400-1200 mg a day of SAMe (s-adenosyl-methionine) and 900 mg a day of silymarin.

11. Digestive Enzyme Deficit

The aging pancreas often fails to secrete enough digestive enzymes, while the aging liver does not secrete enough bile acids. The result is chronic indigestion people complain about as they age.*

Some methods to counteract: Take a standardized digestive enzyme supplement before meals. If problems persist, take a supplement that provides artichoke or black radish extracts to promote bile secretion from liver to facilitate digestion of fats.

12. Excitotoxicity

The aging brain loses control of its release of neurotransmitters such as glutamate and dopamine, resulting in devastating brain cell damage and destruction.*

Some methods to counteract: Take 1 mg to 40 mg a day of sublingual methylcobalamin and 20 mg a day of vinpocetine. Parkinson’s patients should take 200 mg to 300 mg of the ubiquinol form of CoQ10.

13. Circulatory Deficit

Microcapillary perfusion of blood to the brain, eye, and skin is impaired as a part of normal aging. The result is that disorders of the eye (such as cataract, macular degeneration, and glaucoma) are the number one aging-related degenerative disease. Major and mini-strokes are common problems associated with circulatory deficit to the brain. The skin of all aged people show the effects of lack of nutrient-rich blood to the upper layers.*

Some methods to counteract: Consume lots of flavonoids found in ginkgo, blueberry, matcha green tea, pomegranate, and grape seed extracts. Further maintain healthy endothelial function by supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids. Utilize comprehensive blood tests to guard against arterial wall damaging factors such as excess C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, LDL, homocysteine, insulin, glucose, triglycerides. Take steps to increase HDL and free testosterone if blood tests reveal levels that are too low.

14. Oxidative stress

Free radicals are unstable molecules that have been implicated in most diseases associated with aging. Antioxidants have become popular supplements to protect against free radical-induced cell damage, but few people take the proper combination of antioxidant supplements to adequately compensate for age-induced loss of endogenous antioxidants such as SOD and catalase.*

Some methods to counteract: Take protected glutathione, SOD, glutathione and catalase-boosting nutrients, avoid diet and lifestyles that promote oxidative stress, consume lots of antioxidant foods and supplements such as gamma tocopherol and pomegranate.

Notice that oxidative stress is listed as number 14 on the above list of controllable factors that cause aging-related diseases. While suppressing the free radicals that cause oxidative stress protects against many disorders, there is clearly much more that can be done to stave off aging than merely taking antioxidant supplements.*

Children can benefit by taking vitamin supplements, but it is the aging human whose body is depleted of the endogenous antioxidants, hormones, enzymatic repair systems, and other biological chemicals needed to sustain life. What is optional in childhood turns out to be mandatory as humans enter middle-age and become vulnerable to the plethora of degenerative diseases that await them if they do not adequately protect themselves.*




Life in General


The rest of this book isn't about life extension at all, at least not directly. However, in my humble opinion, it's by far the most important. In fact, the ideas you'll get in this chapter actually led me directly to my life's passion... life extension pursuits.


This section has a little to do with philosophy. If you can truly master this short chapter, and when I finally manage to learn all the lessons that follow, good health should be routine - both physical and mental.


We at the Maximum Life Foundation look at life through holistic glasses. Longer life could be a curse if you're not getting out of life what you should. More time magnifies deficiencies, unhappiness, boredom and stress. But it also enhances all the good things you deserve and experience in life. That's why, if you plan on living for a very long time, it's even more important to master the life habits that contribute to your over all well being.


This chapter points you in that direction. It contains a summary of just about every meaningful thing I ever learned about life.


      Hopefully, you'll profit from some of these ideas.



Long life!



David A. Kekich







  1.   People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone. Strive to increase order and discipline in your life. Discipline usually means doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. The easy roads to discipline are 1) setting deadlines, 2) discovering and doing what you do best and what's important and enjoyable to you and 3) focusing on habits by replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns.


 2.    Cherish time, your most valuable resource. You can never make up the time you lose. It's the most important value for any productive happy individual and is the only limitation to all accomplishment. To waste time is to waste your life. The most important choices you'll ever make are how you use your time.


 3.    Think carefully before making any offers, commitments or promises, no matter how seemingly trivial. These are all contracts and must be honored. These also include self-resolutions.             


 4.    Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else is out of your control. You're measured by results only. Trade excuses and "trying" for results, and expect half-hearted results from half-hearted efforts. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way... and hard if you try to live it the easy way.


 5.    Always show gratitude when earned, monetarily when possible.


 6.    Produce for wealth creation and accumulation. Invest profits for wealth preservation and growth. Produce more than you consume and save a minimum of 20% of all earnings. Pay yourself first.


 7.    You're successful when you like who and what you are. Success includes achievement… while choosing and directing your own activities. It means enjoying intimate relationships and loving what you do in life.


  8.   Learn from the giants.


  9.   A little caution avoids great regrets. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Keep fully insured physically and materially and keep hedged emotionally. Insurance is not for sale when you need it.


10.  Learn the other side's needs, offer as little information as possible, never underestimate your  opposition, and never show weakness when negotiating.


11.   Never enter into nor invest in a business without a solid, well-researched and well thought-out written plan. Execute the plan with passion and precision. Plan and manage your life the same way.


12.   Success comes quickly to those whom develop great powers of intense sustained concentration. The first rule is to get involved by asking focused questions.


13.  Protect your downside. The upside will take care of itself. Cut your losses short - and let your profits run. This takes tremendous discipline.


14.   The primary purpose of business is to create and keep customers. Marketing and innovation produce results. All other business functions are costs. Prospecting and increasing the average value and frequency of sales are the bedrock of marketing and business.


15.   If it's not proprietary, it won't work. Pay only on performance. Proprietary interest is one of the most powerful forces ever known. Whatever you reinforce or reward, you get more of.


16.   Competence starts with guaranteeing your work.


17.   Life operates in reverse action to entropy. Therefore the universe is hostile to life. Progress is a continued effort to swim against the stream.


18.   Find out what works, and then do more of it. Focus first on doing the right things, and then on doing things right by mastering details. A few basic moves produce most results and income.


19.   Use leverage with ideas (the ability to generalize is the key to intellectual leverage), work, money, time and people. To maximize profits, replicate yourself. Earning potentials become geometric rather than linear.


20.   Rationalizations are generally convenient evasions of reality and are used as excuses for dishonest behavior, mistakes and/or laziness.


21.   Always have lofty explicit goals and visualize them intensely. Assume the attitude that if you don't reach your goals, you will literally die! This type of gun-to-your-head forced focus... survival pressure mindset, no matter how briefly used, stimulates your mind, forces you to use your time effectively... and illuminates new ways of getting things done.


22.   The value of any service you have to offer diminishes rapidly once it's provided. Protect your compensation before performing.


23.   Incalculable effort and hardship over countless generations evolved into the life, values and happiness we take for granted today. Every day should be a celebration of existence. You are a masterpiece of life and should feel and appreciate this all the way down to your bones. Aspire to create, achieve and build onto the great value momentum taking place all around you.


24.   Enthusiasm covers many deficiencies - and will make others want to associate with you.


25.   Working for someone else gives you little chance to make a fortune. By owning your own business, you only have to be good to become wealthy.


26.   Religiously nourish your body with proper nutrition, exercise, recreation, sleep and relaxation techniques.


27.   The choice to exert integrated effort or to default to camouflaged laziness is the key choice that determines your character, competence and future. That critical choice must be made continually - throughout life. The most meaningful thing to live for is reaching your full potential.


28.   Keep an active mind, and continue to grow intellectually. You either grow or regress. Nothing stands still.


29.   Most accomplishment (and problem avoidance) is built on clear persuasive communication. That includes knowing each other's definitions, careful listening, thinking before talking, focused questioning and observing your feedback. Become a communications expert.


30.   Power comes from stripping away appearances and seeing things as they really are. Socialism appeals to psychological and intellectual weaklings. Identify and replace all external authorities with internal strength and competence. Take full control of, and responsibility for, your conscious mind and every aspect of your life. Being incompetent or depend


31.   If there is not a conscious struggle to be honest in difficult situations, you are probably being dishonest. Characters aren't really tested until things aren't going well or until the stakes are high.


32.   Do not compromise if you are right. Hold your ground, show no fear, ask for what you want, and the opposition will usually agree.


33.   If the situation is not right in the long term, walk away from it. Maintain a long term outlook in all endeavors. Live like you don't have much time left... but plan as if you'll live for centuries.


34.   Invest only after strict and complete due diligence. Don't allow yourself to be rushed. Make important decisions carefully, consider your gut feelings... then pull the trigger.


35.   Stress kills. No matter how painful in the short-term, remove all chronically stressful situations, environments and people from your life.


36.   Keep your overhead to a minimum. Rely more on brains, wit and talent... and less on money.


37.   Business is the highest evolution of consciousness and morality. The essences of business are: honesty, effort, responsibility, integration, creativity, objectivity, long-range planning, intensity, effectiveness, discipline, thought and control. Business is life on all levels at all times.


38.   That which is most satisfying is that which is earned. Anything received free of charge is seldom valued. You can't get something for (from) nothing. The price is too high.


39.   By adhering to a strong honest philosophy, you will remain guiltless, blameless, independent, and maintain control over your life. Without a sound philosophy, your life will eventually crumble.    


40.   No dream is too big. It takes almost the same amount of time and energy to manage tiny projects or businesses as it does to manage massive ones... and the massive ones carry with them - proportional rewards.


41.   There is no such thing as "just a little theft" or "just a little dishonesty".


42.   Lead by example.


43.   Take full responsibility for your actions or lack of action. He who errs must pay. This is an easy concept to grasp from the recipient's end.


44.   An hour of effective, precise, hard, disciplined - and integrated thinking can be worth a month of hard work. Thinking is the very essence of, and the most difficult thing to do in business and in life. Empire builders spend hour-after-hour on mental work... while others party. If you're not consciously aware of putting forth the effort to exert self-guided integrated thinking... if you don't act beyond your feelings and take the path of least resistance, then you give in to laziness, make bad decisions and no longer control your life. 


45.   Out-think, out-innovate and out-hustle the competition, and vividly visualize yourself as winning before entering into every deal or competitive situation. Maintain a blood-smelling, fighter pilot life-or-death attitude when any deal gets near to a close.


46.   First impressions are lasting impressions. Put your best foot forward. People treat you like you teach them to treat you. A success key is positioning yourself at the top of their agenda.


47.   The right thing is usually not the easy thing to do. You may sacrifice popularity for rightness, but you'll lose self-esteem for wrongness. Don't be afraid to say "no".


48.   If someone lies to you once, he'll lie to you a thousand times. Lying is for thieves and cowards.


49.   Have strict and total respect for other people's property.


50.   Producing results is more important than proving you're right. To get things done, try to understand others' frames of references, points of view, needs and wants. Then determine what is honest, fair, effective and rational... and act accordingly.


51.   Long term success is built on credibility and on establishing enduring loving relationships with quality people based on mutually earned trust. Cut all ties with dishonest, negative or lazy people, and associate with people who share your values. You become whom you associate with.


52.   Don't be preoccupied with things over which you have no control, and don't take things personally.


53.   Spend more time working "on" your business than "in" your business.


54.   Don't enter into a business relationship with anyone unknown to you without being furnished with references dating back at least 10 years. If he doesn't have good enduring relationships, stay away. Check all representations on which you will rely made by everyone.


55.   Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong - or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You'll live longer.


56.   Identify exactly what it is you want. This takes a lot of thought. Then don't let anything stand in your way of getting it.


57.   You can get any job done through the sheer force of will when combined with uncompromising integrity and competence. Strong leadership is the key.           


58.   You are responsible for exactly who, what and where you are in life. That will be just as true this time next year. Situations aren't important. How you react to them is. You have to play it where it lies.


59.   The foundation of achievement is intense desire. The world's highest achievers have the highest levels of dissatisfaction. Those with the lowest levels are the failures. The best way to build desire is to make resolute choices for the future.


60.   Integrate every aspect of your life (body, mind, spirit, relationships, business) and each within itself. Integrating means understanding and digesting a process... and seeing relationships among seemingly unrelated phenomena. It's a sign of innovative genius.


61.   Never be deceptive when trying to achieve a personal gain. Shortchanging others results in loss of self-esteem.                                                                          


62.   If your purpose of life is security, you will be a failure. Security is the lowest form of happiness.


63.   Never enter into a contract unless all parties benefit. But no partnership is ever 50/50. There will always be inequities.


64.  Review the basics of your profession at least once per year.


65.   Bitterness, jealousy and anger empower your enemies and enslave you. Negative thinking results in the destruction of property. It is anti-property, therefore anti-capitalistic and anti-life. It also erodes your health. Forgive, learn your lessons, and get on with your life.


66.   Most people spend 90% of their time on what they're not best at and what they don't like doing - and only 10% of their time on their best and most enjoyable ability. Geniuses delegate the 90%... and spend all their time on their "unique ability".


67.   High self-esteem can only come from moral productivity and achievement.


68.   There are an infinite number of new opportunities. Actively seek them out, and position yourself to recognize and take advantage of them.                                     


 69.  There is no such thing as a good idea unless it is developed and utilized.


70.   For maximum profits, identify and market universal needs, wants and trends. Creating desire, satisfying needs and wants and replacing problems with creative innovations are the essence of profit generation.


71.   To maximize opportunities, seek and master the complicated. The major solutions you find will be surprisingly simple, and the competition is minimal.


72.   Always have options. Options are a primary source of power. Power also comes from stripping away appearances and seeing things as they really are.


73.   Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.


74.   Patience is profitable. Achievement comes from the sum of consistent small efforts, repeated daily.


75.   Persistence is a sure path to success with quality activities. Never, ever, ever give up.


76.   "I will do this" is the only attitude that works. "I'll try" or "I think" doesn't work.


77.   Always work on increasing the size of the pie, rather than just your portion.


78.   Rewards are rare without risks, but take only carefully calculated risks. Make sure the odds are on your side.


79.   The "how" you get it (with integrity) is more important than the "what".


80.   Be explicit and semantically precise in all communications, agreements and dealings. Summarize and write down important discussions... and make sure all sides agree. Putting agreements in writing avoids misunderstandings. Memories are fallible, and death is inevitable (so far).


81.   The best way to get started is to get started. Life rewards action... not reaction. Wait for nothing. Attack life. Don't plan to death or ask for permission... but act now... and apologize later.


82.   Question everything. Don't believe it's true or right just because it's conventional. Strip all limits from your imagination on every deal and look for an unconventional creative opportunity in every mistake, crisis or problem. Be flexible, and be willing to turn on a dime when advantageous.


83.   Have fun. The single key to a successful happy life is finding a vocation you enjoy - one that excites you the most.


84.   Nobody gets old by surprise.


85.   When it's a matter of producing or starving, people don't starve.


86.   You get what you expect, not what you want. Fill your life with positive expectations. Demand the best. Attitude and desire contribute to 90% of your achievement. Anyone can learn the physical mechanics.


87.   The surest way to accomplish your business goals is making service to others your primary goal. The key to success is adding value to others' lives.


88.   The source of lasting happiness can never come from outside yourself through consuming values - but only from within yourself by creating values. Producing more than you consume is the only justification for existence.


89.   Unattended problems will not go away, but will usually get worse. Anticipate and avoid problems - or meet them head on at the outset. Overcome fear by attacking it.


90.   Find an excuse to laugh every chance you get, especially when you least feel like it.


91.   When someone makes a big issue about his honesty or achievements, he is probably dishonest or a failure.


92.   Put the magic power of compound interest to work with every available dollar.


93.   The best investment you will ever make is your steady increase of knowledge. Invest in yourself. Thirty minutes of study per day eventually makes you an expert in any subject - but only if you apply that knowledge. Study alone is no substitute for experience. Education is always painfully slow.


 94.  For each important action you take, ask yourself if you would be embarrassed if it were published. It takes a lifetime of effort to build a good reputation but only a moment of stupidity to destroy it.


 95.  You are exactly what you believe and think about all day long. Constantly monitor your thoughts.


 96.  Skepticism is a key to rational thinking. Be especially skeptical of your own cherished beliefs. You might be wrong... and things change.


 97.  Anxiety is usually caused by lack of control, organization, preparation and action.


 98.  The first rule of sharpening your mind is to be an alert and sensitive observer. Assume nothing. If it can't be observed, it's not true. Never act on blind faith. Whenever something sounds too good to be true, it almost always is. Refuse to be swayed by emotion when it conflicts with reason. Observation is the genesis of all knowledge and progress... and is the first and last step of every thinking man's tool - The Scientific Method. All science and most progress is built on the Scientific Method (most non-scientists use it by accident). The steps are 1) OBSERVATION. Gathering and rationally organizing facts. This is where most people fail. 2) INDUCTIVE REASONING. Forming a hypothesis - or a generalization of facts held to be true. 3) EXTRAPOLATION. Making a projection or prediction based on the hypothesis in areas you didn't yet observe. 4) OBSERVATION. A test for the hypothesis to see if it works.


 99.  Experience is not what happens to you. It's what you do with what happens to you. It takes a wise man to learn from his own mistakes... and a genius to learn and profit from the mistakes and experiences of others.


100. The purpose of life is to delay, avoid and eventually reverse death.




Special Gratitude to:


Dr. Andrew J. Galambos

Dr. Wallace Ward                                Sir Isaac Newton                      Dr. Yul Brown

Frederick Mann                                   Michael Gerber                        Patrick Malloy

Dr. Craig C. McGraw                           Winston Churchill                    Vince Lombardi

Daniel Sullivan                                    Napoleon Hill                          Thomas J. Peters

George S. Clason                                 Bobby Jones                            Harry Stottle

Gary C. Halbert                                   Joe Paterno


Anonymous (all those wonderful insightful heroes who influenced me one way or another, either consciously or unconsciously, but whose names I can't attach to any particular Credo.)






Our ultimate goal at the Maximum Life Foundation is to preserve human life.  Yours, ours, everybody's.  In keeping with that mission, we will continue to seek out all the latest ground breaking research on each of the topics covered in this booklet and provide that information to you in an easy to read format.


As we mentioned in the introduction this will be a continually evolving document.  We expect there will be regular updates.  The research on many fields mentioned here moves quickly, and we have plans to greatly expand the scope and detail of the material.   Updates to this information can be found at the Maximum Life Foundation website, www.maxlife.org


 If there are topics of interest to you that you think should be covered in the next edition of the document, or if you have comments or questions about this version, please feel free to contact us by email at info@maxlife.org.  We are determined to find the best methods to keep you alive, young, and terrifically healthy until our research program halts and reverses the aging process. 


Here's to your life! 


Maximum Life Foundation

[1] We are only aware of one protected glutathione – which passes unharmed through the stomach acids and the enzymes of the intestines and bloodstream – Protectus 120™ which is made by Stem Cell Nutrients (see www.stem120.com)