W94-1. January 25, 1994
"The Health of World Leaders"
Dr. Leslie R. Pyenson, M.D., Chief,
VIP Medical Program
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C.
[Tape Specifically Not Available]
W94-2. February 15, 1994
"Aging as a Biologically-Controlled Phenomenon: Evidence from Reversibility"
Dr. Gregory M. Fahy, Ph.D.
Organ Cryopreservation Laboratory
American Red Cross
Biomedical Research and Development
Jerome Holland Laboratory
Rockville, Maryland
W94-3. March 9, 1994
"The Role of Co-Stimulatory Signals in T-Cell-Dependent Responses to Specific Antigen"
Dr. Richard J. Hodes, Ph.D., Director
National Institute on Aging
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
W94-4. April 26, 1994
"Age-Related Growth Hormone Deficiency: Clinical, Experimental, and Therapeutic Considerations"
Prof. Marc R. Blackman, M.D.
Endocrinology Division
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine and the
Gerontology Research Center
National Institute on Aging, NIH
Baltimore, Maryland
W94-5. May 24, 1994
"An Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) Approach Towards Studying the Patterns of Gene Expression in Normal and Senescent Cell Lines"
Dr. Robert D. Fleischmann, Ph.D.
Senior Faculty
Department of Gene Discovery and Evolution
The Institute for Genomic Research
Gaithersburg, Maryland
W94-6. June 1, 1994
"Aging, Disease, and T-Cell Subsets"
Prof. Richard A. Miller, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Pathology
University of Michigan Medical School
and Research Scientist
Ann Arbor DVA Medical Center
Institute of Gerontology
Ann Arbor, Michigan
[Tape Not Available]
W94-7. September 13, 1994
"All the Alternatives to Aging are Bad"
Prof. R. Knight Steel, M.D.
Director General
World Organization for Care in the
Home and Hospice and Clinical Professor of Medicine
Georgetown University Medical School
Washington, D. C.
[Tape Not Available]
W94-8. October 18, 1994
"When Illness Strikes the Leader: The Effects of Illness on Political Decision- Making"
Prof. Jerrold M.. Post, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychology,
and International Affairs and
Director of the Political Psychology Program
George Washington University
Washington, D. C.
[Tape Not Available]
W94-9. December 17, 1995 (January 17, 1996)
"How and Why We Age"
Prof. Leonard Hayflick, Ph.D.
Department of Anatomy
University of California at San Francisco
San Francisco, California