Conference on Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine

This meeting be held at The Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas from Thursday, November 8th to Sunday, November 11, 2007

The five-star Red Rock Resort and Spa is one of the newer luxury hotels in Las Vegas and is considered a premier venue for conferences and meetings.

Edmonton Aging Symposium: Repairing the Damage (Friday and Saturday; March 30 - 31, 2007)

Come to the University of Alberta and hear about cutting-edge research from leaders in their fields in a unique blend of a diverse array of topics that deal with the economic justifications for developing regenerative technologies and the science behind some of the most promising potential methods of extending the healthy human lifespan. Speakers include: Ashley Bush, Judy Campisi, Aubrey de Grey, Michael West, Doros Platika, Chris Heward, Greg Stock, Daniel Callahan, and many others. Click on Edmonton Aging Symposium to register and for more details.

Conference on Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine

This meeting be held at The Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas from Friday, November 10th to Sunday, November 12, 2006

The five-star Red Rock Resort and Spa is one of the newest luxury hotels in Las Vegas and is considered a premier venue for conferences and meetings. Having just opened this April, the hotel will be a luxurious experience, offering attendees the finest in lodging, meeting facilities, and amenities. What makes The Red Rock even more attractive is that the organizers have negotiated a super room rate for this world-class hotel. Click on The Age Management Medicine Group e-Journal for more details.

EVOLUTION: "The European Mind: Narrative and Identity"

10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI)
in cooperation with the University of Malta,
Malta; July 17-22, 2006

Prof. Dr.Stanley Shostak
Workshop Co-Chair
Department Biological Sciences, Retired
University of Pittsburgh
FAX: 412-4210504
E-mail: sshostak@pitt.edu
URL: http://www.pitt.edu/~sshostak/

Dr. Martin Potschka
Workshop Co-Chair
Porzellangasse 19-2-9
Vienna, Austria A-1090
FAX: +43-1-317.5713
E-mail: martin.potschka@univie.ac.at
URL: http://homepage.univie.ac.at/Martin.Potschka/

Call for Papers

Workshop: The Science and History of Evolutionary Theory

In the United States, high (secondary) school education is virtually compulsory. Teenage students are forced to learn and submit to examination on a doctrine deemed sacrilegious by many Christian fundamentalists. Consequently, teaching evolution is widely resented and frequently resisted through efforts of democratically elected officials. Recently, efforts to remove evolution from high school curricula or delineate its scope have been rebuffed by the courts without recognizing the legitimate concern of parents to supervise the moral education of their children. Intelligent design remains an academic research agenda. While it may be premature to expose Secondary school students with unexplored ideas, it remains worthwhile to academically examine such ideas. Rather than furthering the scientific study of evolution, controversy has been an impediment. We propose, therefore, to promote evolutionary studies by launching a range of useful new debates:

(1) Trial and error are minimalistic requirements to bootstrap complexity, and hence should also be the initial stages in the development of intelligence. Hence regardless of whether we have understood speciation in full, the structuralistic principle of Darwinism remains applicable even if we engage intelligence.

(2) Cultural evolution operates with higher complexities and possibly different mechanisms that remain to be specified.

(3) By scientific standards Intelligent design postulates a deus-ex-machina without thusfar providing mechanisms of interference with the genetic apparatus and without explaining intelligence itself.

(4) How have art, intelligence, rituals and fetishism evolved: what are their sources and what are the conditions for their development?

(5) Are science and religion complementary descriptions of the world, and are their epistemologies compatible?

The organizers invite papers in any of the above categories.
Please contact: martin.potschka@univie.ac.at or sshostak@pitt.edu

For information about the conference, registration, travel directions etc.
see: issei2006.haifa.ac.il.

Passed Events...

The Miami Primedia Integrative Medical Therapeutics for Anti-Aging Conference & Exposition

(Postponed three months due to Hurricane Ivan)

Convention Center; Miami Beach, FL; December 12- 13, 2004

Click for more details.

The Second Conference on Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence at Queen's College, Cambridge University, UK, September 7-11, 2005

The deadline for submission of Abstracts will be June 15, 2005. For more details, click on gen.cam.ac.uk/sens2.

Las Vegas Primedia Integrative Medical Therapeutics for Anti-Aging Conference & Exposition

Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, NV; This meeting was held Thursday - Sunday; October 28 - 31, 2004

Dr. Andrew Weil was our Keynote Speaker for the opening Plenary Session on Friday morning, October 29th. Click for more details.

Second International Conference on the Functional Genomics of Aging

Creta Maris Hotel, Hersonissos, Crete, GREECE; This meeting was held April 28 - May 1, 2004

Among the invited speakers are Paola Timiras (UC Berkeley); Judy Campisi (Lawrence Berkeley); Nadia Rosenthal (Rome, Italy); Michael Zhang (Cold Spring Harbor, NY); Steven Austad (University of Idaho); Caleb Finch (USC); Leonard Guarente (MIT); Tom Johnson (Univ. of Colorado); Cynthia Kenyon (UCSF); Tom Kirkwood (Newcastle; UK); George Martin (Seattle); and Gary van Zant (Univ. of Kentucky).

Click 2nd Conference on Functional Genomics of Aging 2004 for more details.

International Association of Biomedical Gerontology: 10th Congress
Reasons to View Genuine Control of Aging as Foreseeable

Queen's College; Cambridge University; England; September 19 - 23, 2003

There are now 47 Confirmed Speakers, including Keynote Presentations by

Prof. Bruce Ames
Prof. Mario Capecchi
Prof. Arthur Caplan
Dr. William Haseltine
Dr. Michael West

Click 10th Congress Website for more details.

International Conference on Aging

November 12 - 15, 2003; Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA
Contact Dr. Sebastian Criton by E-mail at criton@sancharnet.in or visit their website at jananeethi.org.

Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine
(formerly The Oxygen Society), to be held
November 20-24, 2003 at the
Sheraton Hotel and Towers
Seattle, Washington; USA.


. The Evolution and Future of Free Radical Research in Biology and Medicine
. Protein Oxidations: Mechanisms, Measurements and Markers of Disease
. Vascular Redox Signaling and Oxidative Stress
. Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species in Cell Signaling and Human Disease


. Sunrise Free Radical School
. Oral Presentations of Selected Abstracts
. Poster Sessions (three days)
. Travel and Young Investigator Awards
. Mentoring Luncheon
. Women in Science Dinner
. Grantsmanship for Young Investigators Luncheon

Abstracts for SFRBM 2003 will be accepted starting May 1st through September 3rd. To register on-line, obtain more information about the scientific program, travel, and hotel accommodations, awards, or On-line Abstract Submission, please visit their website at
sfrbm.org or else contact
Mr. Kent Lindeman,
Executive Director,
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM)
Voice: 925-472-5904
E-mail: info@sfrbm.org.

Age Management Symposium

American Society of Plastic Surgeons
April 11 - 13, 2003; Omni Royal Orleans Hotel; New Orleans, Louisiana

Profs. Jay Olshansky, Stephen Coles, Leonard Hayflick, Stephen Spindler, Tom Perls, Barry Sears, Brian Kinney, and James Carraway are featured speakers
Click for Program details. Click the logo above for the website.

ASPS Symposium

American Society of Plastic Surgeons
September 27 - 29, 2002; The Palace Hotel; San Francisco, CA


* Develop clinical expertise in anti-aging for patients
* Comprehend genetic theories of aging
* Understand the demographics of aging
* Distinguish the difference between biological basis of aging and clinical reduction of risk factors for health
* Understand the latest updates on aging research
* Understand how "alternative therapies" fit into a complete clinical practice
* Understand factors of longevity in centenarians
* Realize what growth hormone can and cannot do to affect patients' fitness, health and longevity
* Recognize how diet, culture and exercise affect health and aging
* Understand how to create a model for implementing "anti-aging" in plastic surgery
* Learn how to recommend exercise programs to patients
* Understand new indications for Botox and anti-wrinkle therapy

Click for on the logo for more details.

SRI Conference on

"Anti-Aging Drug Discovery and Development Summit:
Exploring the Molecular Basis of Aging and
Commercial Prospects for Therapeutic Interventions"
15 - 16 October 2002; Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, CA

Click on the logo for more details.

Renaissance Hotel; Washington, D.C.
December 1-3, 2002

BioConferences International
2 Madison Avenue
Larchmont, NY 10538
Voice: 1-800-5-BIOCON or 914-834-3100 FAX: 914-834-3689 E-mail: hmatysko@libertpub.com
URL: www.libertpub.com

Venetian Hotel; Las Vegas, NV
December 5-8, 2002

Primedia Corp. and A4M
URL: www.worldhealth.net

Palermo, ITALY
April 10-14, 2002

This meeting is sponsored by the EU 5th Framework Program Project "Immunology and Aging in Europe" ( www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/imagine).
Local organizer:

Prof. Calogero Caruso
Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Metodologie Biomediche, Corso Tukory 211
90134 Palermo, ITALY

For further details:

Voice: +39-091-6555911
FAX +39-091-6555933
E-mail: imagine@unipa.it
URL: www.unipa.it/imagine or
graham.paweler@uni- tuebingen.de

Bregenz, AUSTRIA
July 21-26, 2002

The objective of these Symposia has been to bring together a group of scientists who made recent major advances in the study of CNS and endocrine aging, from a basic science viewpoint to practical issues in the treatment and care of the elderly and patients with age-related CNS diseases. The next [2002] symposium will cover topics including cellular and molecular mechanisms, insulin and IGF, amyloid precursor protein, neuroprotection, circadian rhythms, nutrition, melatonin, caloric restriction, reproduction and fertility, auditory systems, and evolutionary concepts.

The format of the meeting, four and a half days with brief lectures and poster sessions, ample time for discussion, and afternoons left open for recreation and informal interactions, creates an atmosphere conducive to in-depth analysis of research results and their implications. Our previous five Symposia have attracted speakers, poster presenters, session chairmen and attendees from 27 countries. The site of the Symposium will be the Mehrerau Monastery [established in 1090], which lies on the eastern shore of the Lake of Constance [Bodensee] in the city of Bregenz, Austria.

Invited speakers thus far include: J. Campisi, USA; C. Barnes, USA; M. Gallagher, USA; D. Gems, UK; K. Gordon, USA; M. Lane, USA; F. Lezoualc'h, France; B. Lockhart, France; B. Pakkenberg, Denmark; G. Paolisso, Italy; M. Racchi, Italy; M. Rose, USA; D. Skene, UK; J. Syka, Czech Republic; R. Verwer ,The Netherlands; G. Wick, Austria; A. Wirz-Justice, Switzerland; and J. Zimmerman, USA.

For more information, please write, send a FAX, or E-mail:

Department of Physiology, LS II, Room 245
Southern Illinois University
School of Medicine
Carbondale, Illinois 62901-6512; USA
FAX: 618-453-1517
Email: abartke@siumed.edu / rfalvo@siumed.edu
Web Site: http://www.neurobiology-and-neuroendocrinology-of-aging.org/

Bar Harbor Regency Hotel in Bar Harbor, Maine; Dates = ?
Conference Chairman: S. Mitchell Harman, M.D., Ph.D.

Click www.kronosinstitute.org of Phoenix, Arizona for more details.

Loews Coronado Bay Resorts, San Diego, California; May 2002?;
Conference Chairman, Nicholas V. Perricone, M.D., of Yale University

Click www.skinandaging.com for more details.

2002; co-sponsored by University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Information and Registration forms can be obtained at www.AI-PE.org.

Topics: This will be an evidenced-based meeting covering Hormone Replacement for normal aging, diet, exercise, and preventive cardiology. It will present practical clinical algorithms and patient care scenarios.
Contact: Dr. Ron Rothenberg, M.D., Clinical Professor of Preventive and Family Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, and Founder, California Healthspan Institute.

The 7th A4M Conference and Exposition on Anti-Aging and Biomedical Technologies will be held at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, NV from December 11-13, 1999.
Dr. Tandal A. Goffe of the University of Washington in Seattle and CEO of Genespan Corp. will present the topic "Stem Cells in Modern Medicine and Their Effect on Aging" on Saturday morning, December 11th.

1. Third International Growth Hormone Research Society Conference (September 3-6, 1998) Marriott Hotel; San Francisco, California

See the Conference Report by Dr. Karlis Ullis under <Meetings>.

Contact: Dr. Raymond L. Hintz, M.D., Voice: 415-476-4251; FAX: 415-476-0318; E-mail: inquire@ocme.ucsf.edu

The GRS-98 conference abstracts are now available on-line for browsing at a special web site: http://www.abstracts-on-line.com/abstr a cts/gh

2. World Med '98: Integration of Complementary and Natural Therapies (Los Angeles, California; November 19-22, 1998). Call 1-888-748-9800.

3. Sixth International Congress on Anti-Aging and Bio-Medical Technologies (Las Vegas, Nevada; December 11-13, 1998). Contact A4M on their web site at http://www.worldhealth.net .

4. The US Biotechnology Symposium "Production, Purification, and Regulatory Challenges in the New Age of Drug Development" (J. W. Marriott Hotel; Washington, D.C.; November 29 - December 1, 1998). Contact: BioConferences International, Inc. at 2 Madison Avenue; Larchmont, NY 10538; 1-800-5BIOCON or 914-834-3100 ext. 652; FAX: 914-834-3689.

5.1999 AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition "Challenges for a New Century" Anaheim Hilton and Towers (Anaheim, California; January 21-26, 1999) Special Genome Seminar on Saturday-Sunday, January 23-24, 1999; 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM. This session is being organized by J. Craig Venter. Professor Joshua Lederberg of Rockefeller University in New York City will participate along with 12 others leaders in the field. Contact: AAAS in Washington, D.C. Voice: 202-326-6450.

6. Aging: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Life Span Sheraton Tamarron Resort (Durango, Colorado; February 2-7, 1999). Contact: Prof. Judith Campesi, UC Berkeley; c/o 1999 Keystone Symposia
( www.symposia.com) 1-800-253-0685 or 970-262-1230; FAX: 970-262-1525. Dr. Calvin B. Harley of Geron Corp. will speak on "Telomerase: The Key Determinant of Cell Immortality" on Thursday, February 4th ; Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi of Mass General Hospital will speak on "The Genetic Determinants and Molecular Models for Alzheimer's Disease" on Saturday, February 8th. See the program for additional speakers and details.

7. Developmental Biology of the Human Being: The Future of Pediatric Molecular Medicine The Ritz Carlton Hotel, (Pasadena, California; February 4-9, 1999). Contact mrichardson@chlais.usc.edu or Voice: 213-669-4110.

8. Bioinformatics and Data Integration The Madison Hotel (Washington, D.C.; February 25-26, 1999) Contact: Barnett International Conference Group 610-565-9400.

9. Maimonides International Medical Conference on Wellness and Longevity (Seville, SPAIN; March 6-12, 1999). Among the scheduled speakers are Drs. Robert Butler, David Satcher, and Robert Gallo. For further information contact the office of Dr. Margaret Giannini, Professor and Chair, Institute of Gerontology, Touro College, New York at 212-463-0400 ext. 649.

10. First Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Telomeres and Telomerase (March 25 - 28, 1999) Arranged by: Profs. Elizabeth Blackburn, University of California, San Francisco; Titia De Lange, Rockefeller University; and Carol Greider, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Check the website at http://nucleus.cshl.org/meetings and click on Meetings 1999.

11. Telomeres & Telomerase: Implications for Cell Immortality, Cancer, and Age-Related Disease (San Francisco, California; June 1-3, 1998). Co-Chairman: Michael Fossel, M.D., Ph.D., Michigan State University and Michael West, Ph.D., formerly with Geron Corp. and now with Origen Therapeutics in San Francisco.

12. Second Annual Conference on Telomeres and Telomerase: Implications for Cell Immortality Cancer, and Age-Related Disease Renaissance Hotel (Washington, D.C.; May 9-11, 1999). Co-Chairman: Michael Fossel, M.D., Ph.D., Michigan State University and Michael West, Ph.D., formerly with Geron Corp. and now with Origen Therapeutics in San Francisco. For further information contact: BioConferences International at biocon@liebertpub.com. (THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED 3/3/99) Choose # 10 above.

13. The Sixth International Symposium on Functional Medicine: Disorders of Intercellular Mediators and Messengers and their Relationship to Illness (Tucson, Arizona; May 23-26, 1999) Contact Dr. Russell Reiter, M.D., Ph.D. at 1-800-843-9660 or register online at http://www.fxmed.com.

14. 1999 International Symposium on Aging and Antiaging Science and Technology (September 8-12, 1999 Beijing, China). For more details: http://www.arclab.org/conchina.html; Sponsor: Antiaging Science & Technology Society, Gerontological Society of China; Organizers: Antiaging Science & Technology Society, Gerontological Society of China, China International Symposium Center for Sciences and Technology (CICCST); Co-Organizer: BILONG Institute for Transgenic Animals in Beijing (BITAB); Supporters: Gerontological Society of China, Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese, Academy of medical Sciences, Beijing Hospital and Gerontological Research Institute.

15. On September 22-23, 2000 (Fri-Sat), Caleb E. Finch and Robert E. Ricklefs will convene a Symposium on Organisms with Slow Aging (SOSA) at the Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California in Los Angles CA. SOSA will critically examine emerging evidence that some multi-cellular organisms have evolved very slow rates of aging with anti-aging mechanisms that are pertinent to human aging processes. Examples from long-lived vertebrates, invertebrates, and vascular plants show a range of life spans, which overlap with, or exceed, those of humans. The complex biology of long-life spans will be discussed in terms of evolutionary theory. Speakers will identify sourcesof data and availability of biological specimens to stimulate research and to attract new researchers and trainees. The program includes a volunteer poster session. Information on the Preliminary Program, Registration, and local hotels is given at www.usc.edu/dept/gero/CBPH/SOSA

16. WONS-3, the Annual Conference on the Biology of Negligible Senescence was held at the Andrus Gerontology Research Center at USC (Los Angeles, California) on September 29, 1999. Contact Prof. Caleb E. Finch, Ph.D. at E-mail: cfinch@molbio.usc.edu .

Sahara Hotel; Las Vegas, NV
Saturday and Sunday, April 28-29, 2002

Maximum Life Foundation or, to register immediately, call toll free 1-800-881-5346.

This Anti-Aging Super Conference, cosponsored by the Maximum Life Foundation of Palos Verdes, will feature a comprehensive, innovative, intensive program to help you formulate your own custom anti-aging program. Twelve experts in Anti-Aging Medicine will share their knowledge and research results that they've spent their lives working on, to help you develop a personal plan for slowing down your own aging process.

Invited Speakers Will Include:

. Karlis Ullis, M.D., "A Personal Visit with an Anti-Aging Physician"
. Christopher Heward, Ph.D., "Diagnostic Screenings and Preventive Tests"
. L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D., "Potential Future Breakthroughs"
..Ward Dean, M.D., "Biggest Anti-Aging Breakthrough to Date"
. Anita Banker, M.A., MFCC, "Better Sex After 40 and Beyond"
. Brian Tracy, "Healthy Habits and Stress Management"
. Frank Campitelli and David Dearth, "Safe Effective Exercise After 40"
. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, "Life Extending Supplementation"
. Natasha Vita More, "Body of the FutureBuilt to Last"
. Kat Cotter, D.C., "Cutting Edge Nutrition and Anti-Aging Diet Info"

SRI Conference on

"Anti-Aging Drug Discovery and Development Summit:
Exploring the Molecular Basis of Aging and
Commercial Prospects for Therapeutic Interventions"
15 - 16 October 2002; Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, CA

Click on the logo for more details.

Renaissance Hotel; Washington, D.C.
December 1-3, 2002

BioConferences International
2 Madison Avenue
Larchmont, NY 10538
Voice: 1-800-5-BIOCON or 914-834-3100 FAX: 914-834-3689 E-mail: hmatysko@libertpub.com
URL: www.libertpub.com

Venetian Hotel; Las Vegas, NV
December 5-8, 2002

Primedia Corp. and A4M
URL: www.worldhealth.net

Palermo, ITALY
April 10-14, 2002

This meeting is sponsored by the EU 5th Framework Program Project "Immunology and Aging in Europe" ( www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/imagine).
Local organizer:

Prof. Calogero Caruso
Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Metodologie Biomediche, Corso Tukory 211
90134 Palermo, ITALY

For further details:

Voice: +39-091-6555911
FAX +39-091-6555933
E-mail: imagine@unipa.it
URL: www.unipa.it/imagine or
graham.paweler@uni- tuebingen.de

Bregenz, AUSTRIA
July 21-26, 2002

The objective of these Symposia has been to bring together a group of scientists who made recent major advances in the study of CNS and endocrine aging, from a basic science viewpoint to practical issues in the treatment and care of the elderly and patients with age-related CNS diseases. The next [2002] symposium will cover topics including cellular and molecular mechanisms, insulin and IGF, amyloid precursor protein, neuroprotection, circadian rhythms, nutrition, melatonin, caloric restriction, reproduction and fertility, auditory systems, and evolutionary concepts.

The format of the meeting, four and a half days with brief lectures and poster sessions, ample time for discussion, and afternoons left open for recreation and informal interactions, creates an atmosphere conducive to in-depth analysis of research results and their implications. Our previous five Symposia have attracted speakers, poster presenters, session chairmen and attendees from 27 countries. The site of the Symposium will be the Mehrerau Monastery [established in 1090], which lies on the eastern shore of the Lake of Constance [Bodensee] in the city of Bregenz, Austria.

Invited speakers thus far include: J. Campisi, USA; C. Barnes, USA; M. Gallagher, USA; D. Gems, UK; K. Gordon, USA; M. Lane, USA; F. Lezoualc'h, France; B. Lockhart, France; B. Pakkenberg, Denmark; G. Paolisso, Italy; M. Racchi, Italy; M. Rose, USA; D. Skene, UK; J. Syka, Czech Republic; R. Verwer ,The Netherlands; G. Wick, Austria; A. Wirz-Justice, Switzerland; and J. Zimmerman, USA.

For more information, please write, send a FAX, or E-mail:

Department of Physiology, LS II, Room 245
Southern Illinois University
School of Medicine
Carbondale, Illinois 62901-6512; USA
FAX: 618-453-1517
Email: abartke@siumed.edu / rfalvo@siumed.edu
Web Site: http://www.neurobiology-and-neuroendocrinology-of-aging.org/

Bar Harbor Regency Hotel in Bar Harbor, Maine; Dates = ?
Conference Chairman: S. Mitchell Harman, M.D., Ph.D.

Click www.kronosinstitute.org of Phoenix, Arizona for more details.

Loews Coronado Bay Resorts, San Diego, California; May 2002?;
Conference Chairman, Nicholas V. Perricone, M.D., of Yale University

Click www.skinandaging.com for more details.

2002; co-sponsored by University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Information and Registration forms can be obtained at www.AI-PE.org.

Topics: This will be an evidenced-based meeting covering Hormone Replacement for normal aging, diet, exercise, and preventive cardiology. It will present practical clinical algorithms and patient care scenarios.
Contact: Dr. Ron Rothenberg, M.D., Clinical Professor of Preventive and Family Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, and Founder, California Healthspan Institute.

The 7th A4M Conference and Exposition on Anti-Aging and Biomedical Technologies will be held at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, NV from December 11-13, 1999.
Dr. Tandal A. Goffe of the University of Washington in Seattle and CEO of Genespan Corp. will present the topic "Stem Cells in Modern Medicine and Their Effect on Aging" on Saturday morning, December 11th.

1. Third International Growth Hormone Research Society Conference (September 3-6, 1998) Marriott Hotel; San Francisco, California

See the Conference Report by Dr. Karlis Ullis under <Meetings>.

Contact: Dr. Raymond L. Hintz, M.D., Voice: 415-476-4251; FAX: 415-476-0318; E-mail: inquire@ocme.ucsf.edu

The GRS-98 conference abstracts are now available on-line for browsing at a special web site: http://www.abstracts-on-line.com/abstr a cts/gh

2. World Med '98: Integration of Complementary and Natural Therapies (Los Angeles, California; November 19-22, 1998). Call 1-888-748-9800.

3. Sixth International Congress on Anti-Aging and Bio-Medical Technologies (Las Vegas, Nevada; December 11-13, 1998). Contact A4M on their web site at http://www.worldhealth.net .

4. The US Biotechnology Symposium "Production, Purification, and Regulatory Challenges in the New Age of Drug Development" (J. W. Marriott Hotel; Washington, D.C.; November 29 - December 1, 1998). Contact: BioConferences International, Inc. at 2 Madison Avenue; Larchmont, NY 10538; 1-800-5BIOCON or 914-834-3100 ext. 652; FAX: 914-834-3689.

5.1999 AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition "Challenges for a New Century" Anaheim Hilton and Towers (Anaheim, California; January 21-26, 1999) Special Genome Seminar on Saturday-Sunday, January 23-24, 1999; 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM. This session is being organized by J. Craig Venter. Professor Joshua Lederberg of Rockefeller University in New York City will participate along with 12 others leaders in the field. Contact: AAAS in Washington, D.C. Voice: 202-326-6450.

6. Aging: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Life Span Sheraton Tamarron Resort (Durango, Colorado; February 2-7, 1999). Contact: Prof. Judith Campesi, UC Berkeley; c/o 1999 Keystone Symposia
( www.symposia.com) 1-800-253-0685 or 970-262-1230; FAX: 970-262-1525. Dr. Calvin B. Harley of Geron Corp. will speak on "Telomerase: The Key Determinant of Cell Immortality" on Thursday, February 4th ; Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi of Mass General Hospital will speak on "The Genetic Determinants and Molecular Models for Alzheimer's Disease" on Saturday, February 8th. See the program for additional speakers and details.

7. Developmental Biology of the Human Being: The Future of Pediatric Molecular Medicine The Ritz Carlton Hotel, (Pasadena, California; February 4-9, 1999). Contact mrichardson@chlais.usc.edu or Voice: 213-669-4110.

8. Bioinformatics and Data Integration The Madison Hotel (Washington, D.C.; February 25-26, 1999) Contact: Barnett International Conference Group 610-565-9400.

9. Maimonides International Medical Conference on Wellness and Longevity (Seville, SPAIN; March 6-12, 1999). Among the scheduled speakers are Drs. Robert Butler, David Satcher, and Robert Gallo. For further information contact the office of Dr. Margaret Giannini, Professor and Chair, Institute of Gerontology, Touro College, New York at 212-463-0400 ext. 649.

10. First Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Telomeres and Telomerase (March 25 - 28, 1999) Arranged by: Profs. Elizabeth Blackburn, University of California, San Francisco; Titia De Lange, Rockefeller University; and Carol Greider, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Check the website at http://nucleus.cshl.org/meetings and click on Meetings 1999.

11. Telomeres & Telomerase: Implications for Cell Immortality, Cancer, and Age-Related Disease (San Francisco, California; June 1-3, 1998). Co-Chairman: Michael Fossel, M.D., Ph.D., Michigan State University and Michael West, Ph.D., formerly with Geron Corp. and now with Origen Therapeutics in San Francisco.

12. Second Annual Conference on Telomeres and Telomerase: Implications for Cell Immortality Cancer, and Age-Related Disease Renaissance Hotel (Washington, D.C.; May 9-11, 1999). Co-Chairman: Michael Fossel, M.D., Ph.D., Michigan State University and Michael West, Ph.D., formerly with Geron Corp. and now with Origen Therapeutics in San Francisco. For further information contact: BioConferences International at biocon@liebertpub.com. (THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED 3/3/99) Choose # 10 above.

13. The Sixth International Symposium on Functional Medicine: Disorders of Intercellular Mediators and Messengers and their Relationship to Illness (Tucson, Arizona; May 23-26, 1999) Contact Dr. Russell Reiter, M.D., Ph.D. at 1-800-843-9660 or register online at http://www.fxmed.com.

14. 1999 International Symposium on Aging and Antiaging Science and Technology (September 8-12, 1999 Beijing, China). For more details: http://www.arclab.org/conchina.html; Sponsor: Antiaging Science & Technology Society, Gerontological Society of China; Organizers: Antiaging Science & Technology Society, Gerontological Society of China, China International Symposium Center for Sciences and Technology (CICCST); Co-Organizer: BILONG Institute for Transgenic Animals in Beijing (BITAB); Supporters: Gerontological Society of China, Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese, Academy of medical Sciences, Beijing Hospital and Gerontological Research Institute.

15. On September 22-23, 2000 (Fri-Sat), Caleb E. Finch and Robert E. Ricklefs will convene a Symposium on Organisms with Slow Aging (SOSA) at the Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California in Los Angles CA. SOSA will critically examine emerging evidence that some multi-cellular organisms have evolved very slow rates of aging with anti-aging mechanisms that are pertinent to human aging processes. Examples from long-lived vertebrates, invertebrates, and vascular plants show a range of life spans, which overlap with, or exceed, those of humans. The complex biology of long-life spans will be discussed in terms of evolutionary theory. Speakers will identify sourcesof data and availability of biological specimens to stimulate research and to attract new researchers and trainees. The program includes a volunteer poster session. Information on the Preliminary Program, Registration, and local hotels is given at www.usc.edu/dept/gero/CBPH/SOSA

16. WONS-3, the Annual Conference on the Biology of Negligible Senescence was held at the Andrus Gerontology Research Center at USC (Los Angeles, California) on September 29, 1999. Contact Prof. Caleb E. Finch, Ph.D. at E-mail: cfinch@molbio.usc.edu .

Sahara Hotel; Las Vegas, NV
Saturday and Sunday, April 28-29, 2002

Maximum Life Foundation or, to register immediately, call toll free 1-800-881-5346.

This Anti-Aging Super Conference, cosponsored by the Maximum Life Foundation of Palos Verdes, will feature a comprehensive, innovative, intensive program to help you formulate your own custom anti-aging program. Twelve experts in Anti-Aging Medicine will share their knowledge and research results that they've spent their lives working on, to help you develop a personal plan for slowing down your own aging process.

Invited Speakers Will Include:

. Karlis Ullis, M.D., "A Personal Visit with an Anti-Aging Physician"
. Christopher Heward, Ph.D., "Diagnostic Screenings and Preventive Tests"
. L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D., "Potential Future Breakthroughs"
..Ward Dean, M.D., "Biggest Anti-Aging Breakthrough to Date"
. Anita Banker, M.A., MFCC, "Better Sex After 40 and Beyond"
. Brian Tracy, "Healthy Habits and Stress Management"
. Frank Campitelli and David Dearth, "Safe Effective Exercise After 40"
. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, "Life Extending Supplementation"
. Natasha Vita More, "Body of the FutureBuilt to Last"
. Kat Cotter, D.C., "Cutting Edge Nutrition and Anti-Aging Diet Info"