Note: For ideal viewing (resolution) of the video clip on your platform (whether on a Windows-based PC or on an Apple Macintosh, independently of processor speed), with your particular browser (whether Netscape Communicator 4.7 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 ), and with your particular modem (whether 14.4, 28.8, 56K, ISDN, or Cable Modem [fractional T1]), it is first recommended that you download and install the latest version of Apple's QuickTime Movie Player (v. 4.0). Click here to receive instructions about how to download the QuickTime Movie Player onto your machine.
To view a short (3:1 min [= 35 MB file]), voiced-over QuickTime Movie animation, click on Athersclerosis . This animation was presented by Dr. Irving Loh in his September talk at UCLA.