August 25, 2013
Lecture No. 12 --
“A Broad Overview of Western Civilization”
L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D., Lecturer in
UCLA Molecular Biology Institute
Department of Chemistry and
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Neurosciences and the
of Aging at The Chicago School in Los
selecting a few items from the following 28 pages and dropping them into a
social cocktail-party conversation, you might give the impression to those
around you that you were especially clever.
But remember the problem of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Complete
understanding is important, and partial understanding is risky). The outline for a book chapter below is
intended merely as an index for future independent study.
If you read three major national newspapers
such as The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, or The Wall Street
Journal, as I do, cover-to-cover every day for a week, you will have
consumed more information than an average 17th-Century citizen would
have in an entire lifetime! That’s a lot of (digital) data, but it’s nothing
compared to what is on the immediate horizon. By comparison, from the beginnings
of civilization ~10,000 years ago to the year 2003, all of humankind generated
a grand total of 5 EB (Exa Bytes) of digital information. An Exa Byte is one
quintillion Bytes or 1,000,000,000 GB (that’s 1 followed by 18 zeros). But from
2003 through 2010, we created 5 EB of digital information every two days. By next
year (2013), we will be producing 5 EB every 10 minutes. How much information
is this? The 2010 total of 912 EB is the equivalent of 18x the amount of
information contained in all the books ever written [on paper, parchment, or
stone tablets]. This means that the world is not just changing quantitatively,
it’s changing qualitatively. The change
is not just accelerating -- the rate of the acceleration of change is itself
accelerating! [1]
If Moore’s Law holds true for the
next 20 years, as I expect it will (the cost of computing comes down
systematically as the density of electronic circuits increases exponentially
every 18 months) then the cost of a CPU chip with sensor(s) and telemetry
circuits will cost less than US$1.00.
That means that every single car, appliance, piece of furniture, and
even clothing/shoes in your home will be “intelligent” (connected to the cloud
[Internet] with a fully recorded life history of everything that has ever
happened to it since it was manufactured in a factory), as it will be cheap
enough and trivial to do so. The
implications of this new world with an audit trail of everything that happens
and ubiquitous personal home robots everywhere will be hard to comprehend. But let’s try.
Nine Cultural Revolutions in
the Self-Image of Human Beings
the past 2,500 years, eight revolutions in our self-image have helped us mature
or evolve from troglodytes into rational, literate human beings. Because the Mayan Calender stopped abruptly
in the year 2012, this led some to believe that this year should be considered
the predicted end-of-the-world (the apocalypse). Many still suffer from “magical thinking.” One can distinguish at least seven major revolutions
in man’s self image over the last three thousand years.
1. The
Aristotelean Revolution
world is a very large spheroid, not, according to an ancient Hindu Myth, a flat
plate held up by four elephants and/or turtle(s):
2. The
Copernican Revolution (Nicholas Copernicus; a Heliocentric Model; not a Ptolmeic
Earth spins on its own axis and revolves around the Sun (along with other
planets). Galileo helped to prove this
empirically with his invention of the telescope.
3. The Newtonian
Isaac Newton of Cambridge/London: Calculus, Light/Optics, and Laws of
4. The
Darwinian Revolution (Charles
animals and plants, including humans, descend from a common ancestor by means
of a simple evolutionary mechanism called “natural selection” or “survival of
the fittest.”
5. The
Pasteur Revolution (Louis Pasteur,
Koch, and Jenner)
Germ Theory of Disease. Bugs cause infection, not sin, as the church would have
us believe. Disease-causing pathogens are
microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungi, rickettsia, helminthes, and other
6. The
Freudian Revolution (Sigmund Freud/Carl
human mind is not fully rational, but subject to unconscious [even mutually
antagonistic] drives. Three parts: (1) Id
[Hunger, Thirst, Libido]; (2) Ego [will to power]; (3) Superego [accountability;
responsibility for right/wrong behavior; sin/guilty conscience).
7. The
Simonian Revolution (Herbert Simon
and Allen Newell of Carnegie-Mellon University)(1965)
Intelligence (AI) may someday be achieved by simulating human problem-solving
processes on a computer (Expert Systems) (Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy: The
jury is still out; Chess [IBM’s “Deep Blue”] doesn’t support this hypothesis;
neither does “Watson” an IBM computer in the TV game show Jeopardy)(Robots: Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and the
problem of a disembodied intelligence [The Imitation Game and {Turing Test};
The Krell in Forbidden Planet]).
8. The
Watsonian Revolution (James Watson of
Watson and Crick)(2000)
the sequencing of the human genome, we can now start to read the “Book of Life”
(Francis Collins, Craig Venter, Eric Lander, and Leroy Hood). Synthetic Biology will be the major
application of this knowledge that will someday lead to a cure for all chronic
diseases, possibly through stem-cell therapy.
9. The
Hawking Revolution (Stephen Hawking
and the Multiverse)(2010)
are many parallel universes constantly being spawning with their own Big Bangs;
most do not support galaxies or light given the variable amounts of dark energy
in empty space. See Brian Greene on The
Fabric of eh Cosmos
50 Key Events in the History of Human Civilization
A. The Stone Age
1. Death. The discovery that aging
occurs relentlessly for all members of one’s tribe (and, by extension, the
frightening contemplation of one's own demise). As a corollary, this incomprehensible
prospect leads to the invention of religion [immortal god(s) who “made it so”
that we shall perish, while they themselves don’t die; and furthermore, they
didn’t bother to ask for our consent, except for providing us with a Prime
Directive to “Go forth and multiply.”] Respectful
funeral ceremonies for burying the dead with things they cared about in life are
established (otherwise, corpses begin to smell like putrid meat). Cannibalism
is generally rejected as a survival strategy.
2. The ability to distinguish individuals of the same kind from another tribe
who are friends and not foes. As a corollary, trading for food and trinkets is
recognized as an acceptable survival strategy. Knowledge of the location of
water becomes valuable during times of drought.
3. The invention of complex spoken language, to include "story
telling" and a variety of Genesis myths to teach children who we are and
where we came from.
4. The creation of tools (clubs, knives, axes, sharp throwing spears, walking
5. The discovery of fire and how to control it and use it for (1) heat [to keep
warm in winter; (2) light to see in a dark cave [torches]; and (3) the cooking
of raw meat [to increase the efficiency of protein absorption]. As a corollary, a gender-specific division of
labor between males (hunters) and females (gatherers/cooks) increases the
survival-prospects of the tribe. Distinguishing edible plants/nuts vs.
poisonous plants {mushrooms} and medicinal herbs become important for women. Long
before Homo sapiens (200 KYA), Homo erectus did some open fire cooking
in caves 1.7 MYA in what is now called SOUTH AFRICA.
6. The invention of clothing sewn from hides using needle-and-thread to keep
warm in winter and shoes to facilitate walking over long distances.
7. The discovery of a cause-and-effect relationship between fornication (sexual
intercourse) and procreation (birth of a baby) [intercourse and birth are separated
in time by approximately nine months]. As a corollary, the concept of a
monogamous/polygamous family is established within the tribe with words for
mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew [and
by extension words for husband, wife, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild,
sibling, ancestor, etc.] are incorporated into the native language. The notion
of primogenitor is fashioned -- inheritance by the fist-born son of a
married couple. The creation of professions: tribal elders/leaders,
lawyers/judges (to resolve disputes), witch doctors, priests, midwives, fortune-tellers,
8. The creation of music and instruments to play it; composers and musicians to
play music.
9. The creation of jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, and rings), hair combs, cave
ornaments, and decorative cosmetics (lipstick and face paint). (barbers, hair
stylists); Pottery
10. The creation of cave drawings (art) as a way to teach group-hunting to children
as a survival strategy.
11. Canine breeding [wolves are domesticated and become dogs after ~10
generations; they are further specialized as hunting dogs (blood hounds and
sight hounds) and low-maintenance security dogs (barking to wake you up in the event
of danger, so you can sleep soundly without fear of being eaten by a predator
during the night.]
12. Animal husbandry (chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle/oxen, cows [for milk],
sheep [for wool], goats, horses, llamas, camels) and, as a corollary, dogs are bred
for herding.
B. The Bronze Age
Agriculture (Irrigation) (baking bread) and by extension, solar observatories
to know when to plant seed and when to harvest. Plow
14. Domestication of cats (they prevent stored grain from being eaten by
15. Metallurgy: Towns and Villages built (digging water wells and pumps,
Windmills to grind grain to wheat.
C. The Iron Age
17. Blacksmiths to make iron horseshoes, hammers, hatchets, and
metal swords/sabers/shields, saddles with stirrups.
18. The wheel, and as a corollary, flat roads; wheel barrows, chariots,
carriages, wagons (first civil engineering)
19.Architecture: Construction of cities (urban planning) with thousands of
people and civic monuments/statues/sculpture with massive temples to the gods (clergy
are needed for maintenance).
Money (coins, and by extension counterfeiting; government tax collectors;
precious metals [gold and silver], salt and spices).
21. Writing (literacy, scribes, ink, papyrus, chiseling of stone tablets, head
stones in a cemetery, an arithmetical number system for counting and settling
debts); libraries of scrolls and illuminated manuscripts in monasteries à
bound books; the printing press and movable type.
22. Maps (the Aztecs and Mayans didn't invent them [sigh]).
23. Mathematics (geometry; trigonometry; algebra; the digit zero as a place
24. Bow and arrow; reflex bow, crossbow.
25. Dugouts, rafts, canoes, sailboats, multi-mast ships.
26. Alchemy --> Periodic Table of the Elements.
27. Gun Powder; canons, rifles, pistols, revolvers, machine guns.
Glass blowing, optics: spectacles, bifocals, telescopes, microscopes
D. The Industrial Revolution
Steam engine (James Watt)
30. Railroad locomotive (steam --> diesel)
31. Radio (Ham Radio --> AM/FM --> CB Radio --> Satellite
32. Medicine: Anesthesia, Surgery, C-sections, Germ Theory of Disease,
antibiotics, vaccines
33. Electrification of cities: Power Distribution by DC --> AC (Tesla,
34. Light bulb (Thomas Edison --> tungsten filament)
35. Telegraph (Morse) Telegrams, Teletype machines
36. Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell) Cell Phone --> Smart Phone (six
billion people have accounts out of nine billion people on Earth)
37. Phonograph (wax cylinder --> 78 rpm --> LP --> 33-1/3 rpm -->
45 rpm --> 8-track tape --> cassette tape --> Music CD --> digital
download to iPod
38. Movies (Silent, B&W Talkies, Color, 3-D Imax)
39. Steam ships (Fulton); Nuclear Submarines (Rickover)
40. Automobile (Ford Models A,T gasoline-powered internal combustion engine
with 8 cylinders --> Google Automated Driving on freeways using GPS; Nevada
will require red license plates for robotically-enabled cars)
41. Airplanes (Wright Brothers à Boeing 747 à Concord).
200 years ago powered, heavier-than-air flight was thought to be an impossibility;
100 years ago, the Wright Brothers gave us a prototype (proof of concept)
years ago, aircraft became indispensible
42. Atomic Bomb (1945); Hydrogen bombs; nuclear power
43. Rockets (USSR Sputnik (1957); US [NASA] Moon Landing (1969); JPL Missions
to the outer planets)
44. Satellites (GPS [resolution = 1 meter; 1 microsecond response]; Hubble
Space Telescope --> Webb Telescope)
45. TV (B&W; Color; flat-screen).
46. Video Recording (Beta Max, VHS, DVD, BlueRay).
E. The Digital Information Age
47. Computers (IBM Mainframes, Cray Supercomputers, Time Sharing, Computer Graphics; PC’s (Windows OS, Office Applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Mac’s, Cordless Mouse, BlueTooth) John von Neuman (Johnniac at RAND Corp.) stored programs, Software, Automata Theory, Alan Turing and the Turing Machine (Turing Test = “Imitation Game”), Emile Post (Post Correspondence Theorem), Claude Shannon (Information Theory); Norbert Weiner (Cybernetics), Alan Perlis (Algol), John Baccus (IBM/Fortran), Peter Naur (BNF), Noam Chomsky (Computational Linguistics/Transformational Grammar)
48. Digital Biology (Watson and Crick DNA) DIYBio Synthesis (Britten and Davidson)
Vannever Bush, Douglas Engelbart, (“Augmenting Human Intellect”), J.C.R.
Licklider (ARPA/IPTO), Ivan Sutherland, Lawrence Roberts, The ARPA Net. Vint
Cerf (Google), The world wide web (www),
browsers (Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) Hypertext markup
language (html), XML, Search Engines (Yahoo, Google; {Encyclopedia Britannica
--> Microsoft Encarta on CD-ROM --> Wikipedia}), Social Media {Twitter,
MySpace, Facebook}
50. Artificial Intelligence (Deep Blue for Chess; Watson for Jeopardy à
Watson for each person; Industrial Robots à Personal Household
Robots [General Factotum]). Automatic simultaneous translation of foreign
languages to and from English. Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, Marvin Minsky, John
McCarthy, Arthur Samuel. Soon, teleprompters will no longer needed, as all text
will be displayed in real time on your contact lenses. At a medical workstation in your bathroom, an
AI Med System will analyze samples of your breath and bodily fluids {blood,
tears, sweat, saliva, urine, and feces} along with your vital signs {temp, RR, Pulse,
BP, EKG} in real time and provide you with immediate feedback on any significant
change in your health status.
F. Thirty Years in the Future
51. The
Singularity (Ray Kurzweil, based on Moore’s Law)
52. Biological Immortality
G. The Systematic North-Western Trajectory of
Modern Civilization {excluding China}
Central Africa (200 KYA) (Abstract Language; Stone-Age Tools)
2. Thebes (Egyptian Nile River Valley with Pyramids/Sphinx) (2000 BCE) (Seti,
Rameses the Great)
3.Athens (300 BCE) (Socrates, Plato, Thucyddies, Herodotus, Euripides,
Sophocles, Aeschylus, Aristophenes, Homer, Pythagorus, Euclid, Hippocrates,
Aristotle, Alexander the Great)
4. Alexandria (30 BCE) (Babylon, Persia) (Cleopatra, Julius Caesar)
5. Constantinople (1 AD) (Turkey/Arabia)(Galen)
6. Rome (300 AD)(Emperor Augustine)
7. Florence (1400 AD)(Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Ghiberiti, Botticelli,
Donatellie, Galileo)
8. Venice (1500 AD) (Dodge)
9. Madrid (1600 AD) (Queen Isabella [1451 - 1504])
10. Paris (1700 AD) (Emperor Napoleon [1769-1821]; Louis Pasteur [1822-1895])
11. London (1800 AD) (Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin)
New York City (1900 AD) (Bos/Wash: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
D.C., Atlanta, Miami)
13. Los Angeles (2000 AD) (San/San: San Diego, Irvine, Los Angeles, Santa
Barbara, San Jose, San Francisco, Berkeley, Davis, Sacramento)
14. The Internet/Cloud (2100 AD) (Civilization is no longer focused at a single geographical location)
________________________________ __________________________________
Recent References on Paleontology, Archeology, and
1. Ian Tattersall, Masters of the Planet (Macmillan, 266 pages;
perished 25 KYA, and so Homo sapiens became the last hominids
Nevertheless, due to
interbreeding, some of their DNA survives in our genome.
2. Chris Stringer, Lone
Survivors (Times Books, 320 pages; $28.00).
3, Brian Switak, Written in Stone: Evolution, the
Fossil Record, and Our Place in Nature (Paperback; 320 pages; Bellevue
Literary Press; 2010; $11.73 on
Switak explains
that “all life forms on the Earth have not ‘progressed’ through evolution to end
up with Homo sapiens becoming the highest such life form; rather,
evolution has produced ‘a wildly branching tree of life’ with no predetermined
path or endpoint.”
4. Emma Maris, The
Rambunctious Garden (224 pages; Bloomsbury; August 2011; $16.50 on
A good conservationist should not strive to maintain an
‘ecological balance’ among species; Nature has no such need. The jungle is not a zoo. Conservations would only meddle if they tried
to establish their own personal notion of a balance. If Nature could, she would merely laugh at
our conceited attempt at stewardship over the fiction of a ‘pristine
5. Michael Ruse,
The Philosophy of Human Evolution (Cambridge Introductions to
Philosophy and Biology) (Paperback; 282
pages; Cambridge University Press; February 2012; $26.99 on
III. Memory
different types of memory serve to enhance our species’ evolutionary progress
(Richard Dawkins; Oxford University)
1. DNA; our human genome (3.1 Giga Base Pairs; ~25 K
genes)(speciation took place 200 KYA [thousand years ago] with mutations for a
large brain [Broca’s Area and Wernike’s Areas] and an adipose thumb that gave
rise to language and tool using, respectively [fire for warmth and cooking of
meat, clothing]. Weapons for hunting in
ancestral hunter/gatherer stage.
2. Epigenetics (scattered methyl groups on DNA and
acetyl groups on histones, which are influenced by the environment, determine
gene expression)(identical twins reared apart have greater phenotypic
divergence over time more than identical [congenic] twins reared
3. The human Immune System (the ability to distinguish
self from non-self at the tissue level)
4. The human Brain (neural pathways and synapses for
short-term and long-term memory)
5. Culture (Oral and Written Recorded History) ~8,000
years ago; agriculture/animal husbandry
(Egyptian Hieroglyphics and the Rosetta Stone [in
three different languages])
IV. Five Branches of
Philosophy seeks to answer at least three fundamental
questions. In plain English, they are…
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I?
3. Where am I going?
Surrogate questions are…
1. How does the brain work?
2. Why do we get old and die?
1. Metaphysics
a. Ontology (Theory of Reality)
The Mind/Body Problem (Three Hypotheses: Materialism,
Dualism, Solipsism)
Materialism: Self awareness and consciousness are
emergent properties of the complexity of brain architecture shared to some
extent with other mammals and to a lesser extent with all biological creatures.
(1) Sentience (Sensory Capacity)
(2) Sapience (Tropism; Rationality)
(3) Instrumentality (A Disembodied Mind possessing no Motor
Functions cannot serve)
b. Teleology (Theory of
Intentionality, Purposeful Actions, Free-Will vs. Fate [Karma])
Autonomy (Independent Agency, cosmogonyWill,
Drive = Conation)
c. Cosmology (Theory of Creation
[Cosmogony]; The Big Bang Theory with continuing expansion accelerating due to
dark energy/dark matter)
d. Existentialism (Absurdity of
reality and Despair)(Satre, Camus, Heidegger, Kierkegaard)
2. Epistemology (Theory of
“When a tree falls in the forest and
there’s nobody around to hear it, did it make a sound?”
What constitutes evidence for an
uncertain hypothesis or cause and effect?
Qualia (Intrinsic properties [mass,
momentum, shape] vs. epiphenomena [like color, texture, warmth which are in the
eyes of the beholder {perceiver}])
Ethics (Theory of Right and Wrong)
a. Deontology (Duty, Altruism,
Philanthropy): The ends do not justify the means (Behavior Optimality with all
actions being subject to ethical constraints)
b. The Ten Commandments (Old
c. The Golden Rule [Jesus]: Do unto
others have you would have them do unto you;
d. Negative Golden Rule [Confucius]:
Do not do unto others that which you believe they do not wish to have done unto
e. Four Cardinal Virtues [Greek]:(1)
Justice; (2) Wisdom (Prudence); (3) Courage; and (4) Beauty;
Justice is “the having and doing of that
which is one’s own.” – Plato’s
f. Sin (Cardinal vs. Venal)(Felony
vs. Misdemeanor)/Guilt/Confession/Repentance
f. Definition of Happiness and the
Good Life
(1) In your choice of a profession,
strive for excellence (e.g., become a cook who prepares delectable
(2) Hedonism (maximize pleasure,
luxury, sybarites)(e.g., Hugh Heffner’s Playboy
(3) Epicureanism (collector of fine
4. Aesthetics (Theory of Beauty; Art
[paintings, sculpture, music, literature (prose {short stories, novels}/poetry
{lyrical/rhyming, narrative/non-rhyming, figures of speech: alliteration,
metaphor, simile, tone color, onomatopoeia}, theater: opera, plays])
5. Logic
a. Inductive Logic
(The Laplace Sunrise
b. Deductive Logic
(1) Symbolic Logic (Propositional
Calculus; truth tables)
(a) Tautology (proposition is always
(b) Contradiction (proposition is
never true)
(2) First-Order Predicate Calculus
(Existential and Universal Quantification)
Example: Syllogisms
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
(3) Modal Logic (it is possible
that... rhombus or vertical-diamond operator)
(4) The Situation Calculus (time
embedded in “s”)
(5) Mathematical Logic (Russell
Paradox; Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem; Post Correspondence
(6) Logical Positivism -- The Vienna
Circle (Alfred J. Ayer; Ludwig Wittgenstein)
c. Rhetoric
The art of persuasion; argumentation;
sophistry, dialectics
Table of Classical Fallacies
(1) “Begging the Question” demonstrates a
conclusion by means of premises that assume that conclusion.
Argument: Billy always tells the truth, I
know this because he told me so.
Problem: Billy may be lying.
(Also called Petitio
Argumentum ad hominum,
(3) Non sequitur: incorrectly assumes one thing is the cause of another.
I hear the rain falling outside my window; therefore, the sun is not
The conclusion is false because the sun can shine
while it is raining.
(4) Special Cases: post hoc ergo propter hoc: believing
that temporal succession implies a causality.
After Billy was vaccinated he developed autism; therefore, the vaccine
caused his autism.
Problem: This does not provide any evidence that the vaccine was the cause. The characteristics of autism may generally become noticeable at the age just following the typical age children receive vaccinations.
Sophistry; marketing/advertising (manipulating the
gullible into making you rich while you sleep “... 1-800- ... Call Now!”)
d. Magical Thinking and Superstitions
As Sir Arthur Clarke, who died in March of 2009, has
said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic." Our use of reason has
served to safeguard us against religious fundamentalists and charlatans
(mountbanks) who would profit from concealing the truth. Yet today, we have an
epidemic of irrational thought running rampant in our society (new-age mystics,
astrologers (zodiac, horoscopy, “What’s your sign”), Tarot-card readers,
palmists (chiromancy), graphologists, crystal balls readers, people who will
read your aura or tea leaves, speak-in-tongues, [glossolalia], and
what have you). I assert that irrational thought is not harmless:
alchemy, phrenology, Ouija Boards, claims of UFO abductions by aliens in the
night, crop circles, dowsing, the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot (Sasquatch), Abominable
Snowman (Yeti) [cryptozoology, chimera/theriantropism {Anubis, centaur,
griffin, minotary, satyre, dagon, epimetheus, sphinx, pegasus, phoenix,
basilisk cockatrice, unicorn, gorgon, hydra, cerabus, harpy, moloch,
hippogriff, dipsas, bucentaur, pan, lamia, devil (Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan),
incubus, succubus, siren, mermaid, triton, Cyclops, ogre}], ghosts, witches,
warlocks, goblins, elves, gnomes, sprites, dwarfs, Leprechaun, sylph, cherub,
angel, archangel, Tinker Bell, Thumbelina, Vampires (Vlad the Impaler, Count Dracula
[garlic, crosses, mirrors, wooden stakes] bats), Were Wolves/Were Tigers [full
moon, silver bullets], Frankenstein (Dr. Victor? or Dr. Henry?), mummies [nine tana
leaves], ghouls, zombies, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Clause,
can be relatively harmless, but dangers occur when we teach Creationism to
school children as part of the academic curriculum, flock to witch doctors or
spiritualists to heal our loved ones, Voodoo (Haiti), Santeria (animal
sacrifice), Macumba (Brazil), use homeopathy or moxibustion, call on psychic
surgeons [Indonesia], employ a professional medium in a séance to communicate
with the dearly departed (our late relatives), perform ritual sacrifices of
virginal maidens (the Aztecs in Mexico), burn heretics at the stake [the
Spanish Inquisition], interrogate military prisoners using "extreme
rendition" employing forms of torture like "water boarding," it
can profoundly undermine the ethical basis for Western Civilization. Unsound beliefs
in pseudoscience like Telepathy (mind reading), Precognition
(forecasting the future), Clairvoyance (Extra Sensory Perception [ESP]),
Psychokinesis (bending spoons or stopping/starting clocks without
touching them), or other forms of parapsychological intervention [J. B. Rhine
of Duke University], such as remote group prayer for infertile women to get
pregnant at a higher rate than normal all lead down a blind alley.
Here are five of the most
well-known discredited substances in history [1]:
1. Phlogiston -- In 1667, German alchemist Johann Joachim Becher
identified Phlogiston as the
essence of fire. It was ostensibly contained within all
combustible substances.
2. Miasma -- The Greeks were convinced that Malaria was spread by bad
air. Medieval Europe burned incense to prevent the spread of this
3. Orgone -- In the 1940's, psychologist Wilheim Reich posited that
Orgone composed the sexual energy could be collected for medicinal
4. Ether -- Descartes asserted that light and gravity traveled through
Luminiferous Ether that was more subtle than air as a transparent medium
necessary for the propagation of light.
5. Alkahest -- In the 16th century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus
discovered Alkahest, the "universal solvent," the active ingredient
in the "Philosopher's Stone." (See Harry Potter)
Ref.: 1. Jeremy and Claire Weiss, "Best Discredited Substances," Wired Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 12, p. 44 (December 2011).
e. Mathematics (Axiomatic Pure vs.
Applied Mathematics)
(1) Euclidean Geometry/Spherical
Non-Euclidian Geometry/Topology/Trigonometry
(2) Calculus (differential, integral,
[partial] Differential Equations [linear/non-linear], Measure Theory [based on
integration by distributions rather than simple variables])
(3) Algebra (matrix algebra, set
theory, group theory, ring theory, field theory, homology theory)
(4) Probability Theory (Markov
Chains; Stochastic Processes)
Mathematical Statistics
Gaussian Distribution (Bell-Shaped Curve or Normal Distribution; mean
[mu], standard
deviation [sigma], variance [sigma squared])
Game Theory (Two-person vs. n-person zero-sum games; Broward’s Fixed Point Theorem in topology)
(5) Cryptography (coding and
code-breaking, steganography)
(6) Graph Theory (Nodes and Arcs;
Critical Path Analysis; PERT [Program Evaluation and Review
(7) Occam’s Razor - When alternative
explanations or models of the world have equal power of explanation or
prediction, choose the simpler one.
Piety (Those
certain that God(s) is/are known to exist)
Pagans (Stonehenge), Babylonians, Hitites, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Norse, American
Indian, Mayan, Aztecs, Incas
*** The Raëlian Movement
teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials,
whom they call the Elohim. Mon.
Claude Vorilhon, a former French journalist, is their spiritual leader, whom
they call Rael. They are headquartered in Montreal, Canada
and are very interested in human cloning.
They are primarily interested in maximizing their parishioner’s pleasure
per unit of time.
(Unsure of the existence of God; He/he may or may not exist, but I need to
hedge my bets on the grounds that there is insufficient evidence.);
Atheists (Sure that God doesn’t exist) [modern
atheists include, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher
Hitchens {recently died of throat cancer, but didn’t change his position at the
last moment}The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.]
Ref.: * His
Holiness, The Dalai Lama, Beyond
Religion: Ethics for a Whole World (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, New York;
Dec. 6, 2011; 208 pages, $16.32 on {Secular ethics means that you don’t need
religion to lead a happy and ethical life. But the difference between ethics
and religion is like the difference between tea and water. You clearly need water to live, but if you
have an ethics grounded in religion, it is more like tea, which includes water,
aromatic tea leaves, spices, sugar, and, in Tibet, a pinch of salt. Prayer, although important, cannot match the
achievements of modern science, including physics, cosmology, biology,
psychology, and neuroscience. At the
genome level, the differences between different races is less significant than
the difference between different individuals, so all humans are as one
regardless of race. Buddhism has a
history of adapting to changing times and cultures and today, a new American
hybrid of Buddhism is blossoming.}
Unique Libraries Destroyed by Barbarians:
1. Alexandria, EGYPT (272 CE and again in 391 CE)
2. Timbuktu in MALI (2012)
3. Thanatology (Eschatology or “last
rights”)(Recognition of mortality => sacrifices, ceremonial funerals,
Primogeniture [inheritance by
first-born {legitimate} sons])
Methods for disposing of human
remains (corpses) throughout history…
4. Pantheism vs. Montheism: Deism
(passive God, creator), Theism (an active God who answers prayers and performs
5. Theodicy (The Problem of Evil)(Book
of Job)
6. Apostasy (conversion to another
religion) – in Islam, apostasy is punishable by death (stoning).
7. Quasi-Religious Fraternal
Organizations/Civic Groups:
1. Knight’s of the Round Table moved
to Malta
Masons (Lodges)
Knights of Columbus
Kiwanas Clubs
Rotary Clubs International
6. Lion’s Clubs
7. Optimists Clubs
(Real estate agents typically network
for lunch once a week.)
VI. Science
1. Physics
a. Four Forces: (i) Gravity; (ii)
Electro/Magnetism; (iii) Weak Force; and (iv) Strong Force
b. Kinetic Energy/Potential
(i) First Law (Enthalpy)
(ii) Second Law (Entropy)(entropy
always increases in a closed system)(Information Theory)
c. Astronomy (Dark Matter/Dark
Energy/Hyperinflation)(Drake Equation)
d. Particle Physics (Quarks) String
Theory/”Brane” Theory
2. Chemistry
a. Alchemy
b. Inorganic Chemistry (Periodic
Table of the Elements)
c. Organic (Carbon) Chemistry
{Created by German Scientists}
3. Biology
Three components of the Definition of
Autosynthesis (reproduction)
(ii) Autocatalysis (metabolism)
(iii) Tropisms (phototropism, geotropism,
hydrotropism, electrotopism)
Prokaryotes [naked DNA] vs.
Eukaryotes [nucleus with chromosomal DNA plus cytoplasmic mitochondria with
mtDNA])(The Watson and Crick (Linear) Central Dogma
DNAà mRNA à protein (structural and enzymatic);
feedback loops and gene expression
control; message splicing, post translational modification)
(1) Botany (plants)
(2) Zoology (animals)
(3) Parasitology (Viruses, Bacteria,
Yeast, Fungi, Rickettsia, nematode worms, etc.)
(3) Evolutionary Biology
(4) Systems Biology (cluster genes
into vast networks)
Preformation Theory – Regression of
homunculus(es) over “n” generations from Adam and Eve up to the present
4. Computer Science
(a) Algorithms (a step-by-step
procedure guaranteed to terminate in a finite number of steps) (Turing Machines
– Busy Beaver/Halting Problems)
(b) Heuristics (Rule of Thumb;
Guideline, not guaranteed to produce a result)
(i) Means/Ends Analysis [difference
reduction; Monkey and Bananas Problem]
(ii) Hill Climbing
(iii) Trouble Shooting [a partition
into a set of mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive subproblems; non-linear
problems cannot be partitioned; you push-down here and it pops-up there; Divide
and Conquer; trouble shooting; puzzle solving; e.g. turn on switch but light
bulb doesn’t light: Is the bulb burned out?, the wire unpluged?, the lamp
broken?, No power in the wall outlet?]
(iv) Avoid premature closure on a
single hypothesis without definitively ruling out alternatives or you may go
down a garden path.
5. Linguistics
a. Field Linguistics
b. Computational Linguistics (models
of a natural language)(The Imitation Game – Turing Test)
Semiotics (Five components of a
linguistic description)(Charles Peirce)
(1) Phonology (phonemes
(2) Morphology (inflections “ing” =
present participle; “ly” = adverb; “ment” in French; exceptions “vitement”
doesn’t exist as a word in French. Why
(3) Syntax
(a) Core Grammar (nouns, verbs,
prepositions, etc.
Baccus Naur Form (BNF)
<Sentence> ::=
<declarative> | <interrogative> | <imperative>
(b) Transformational Grammar -- Noam
Chomsky)[active voice/passive voice; interrogative; imperative]
(4) Semantics (meaning; Dictionary:
denotation/connotation; Thesaurus: Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms)
(5) Pragmatics (use of language in
context of the real world; “Tact” vs. “Mand” “It is hot in here.” = “Open the
6. Psychology
a. Cognitive
b. Clinical (Diagnosis, Prognosis,
Therapy, Endpoints)
VII. Professions
1. Medicine
2. Law
3. Engineering: (a) Electrical; (b) Mechanical;
(c) Chemical; and (d) Civil
4. Architecture
5. Clergy (Seminary)
6. Military Science (soldiers,
sailors, Academies for Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Cyber
Warfare, Outer space)
7. Economics
9. Political Science
VIII. Communicating Our Legacy to
Future Generations
A. Categories of Knowledge:
1. Books and Periodicals (newspapers,
magazines, Radio, TV, Movies on film, tape, or DVD’s, Music CD’s, Internet
2. Proprietary Product Brochures and
Specification Catalogs published by commercial companies
3. Patents ( (intellectual property);
Original (novelty)
Non-obvious (non-trivial extension to existing state-of-the-art)
Potentially Reducible to Practice
4. Classified information
(Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, TS/SI/TK, Q-clearance, Unique Compartmented
Data with a “Need to Know”; Not everyone signs the register!) There was nearly
a military coup within the Pakistani government following the violation of
sovereignty in connection with the assassination of Osama Ben Laden and the
unmanned drone strikes targeting
militants in the unchartered tribal territories).
B. New Knowledge is Growing
1. Scientific Medical Literature in
Peer-Reviewed Journals
2. Moore’s Law of Computer Chip
3. “The Singularity” (Ray Kurzweil)
(Date = ~2038)
C. Worry in a Straight Line:
1. Identify what we already know [Google;
Wikipedia; Old Encyclopedias {Britannica, Encarta}, Dictionaries (OED, Webster),
Atlases, Thesaurus, CIA World Fact Book, Almanac, Book of World Records] and
how to exploit it (it is known, it’s just that you personally don’t know
2. Estimate what we need to know that
we don’t know yet (Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld explained to
us that there are “known unknowns” and “unknown unknowns”)
Of the former, figure out
(a) What is unknowable, in principle
(and hopefully ignore it)
(b) What is, in fact, knowable; but
in what period of time and at what cost (affordability)?
(c) Create a strategy, a plan, and a
budget for learning the needed knowledge subject to the specified time and
financial constraints.
IX. Extinction of the
Human Race
Are Homo sapiens on
a slippery slope toward species extinction? And if we are, when might this
happen? Furthermore, if we had sufficient warning, would we be able to do
anything about it beforehand?
The Biblical “Four Horseman of the Apocalypse” are still alive-and-well
(as they were revealed in the Book of Revelation {war, pestilence,
famine, and death}), but they are
probably not the surest path to the complete extinction of our
species. Humans have overcome a wide
variety of repetitive catastrophic
natural disasters over the last 200,000
years (when we first evolved to became the dominant hominid/primate species on
the planet). We have survived earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes,
typhoons, tsunamis, volcanos, meteor showers, sun-spot cycles, floods,
droughts, ice ages, lighning-induced forest fires, variation in ocean currents (El Nino, El Nina), plagues
of locus, and a variety of pathogenic microorganisms/parasites, including (in
no special order) anthrax, bubonic plague (or the black death [Yersinia
Pestis]), Spanish Flu, bird (avian) flu, swine flu, small pox, measles (causing
shingles), mumps, German Measles, Pertusis (whooping cough), Scarlet Fever, Polio (infantile paralysis), Hansen’s
Disease (leprosy), malaria, Ebola (hemorrhagic fever), syphilis, gonorrhea,
AIDS/HIV, HPV (venereal warts), Hepatitis A,B,C, rabies, trichinosis, yeast
infections, fungus, Giardia Lamblia (protazoan in feces), Trypanosoma cruzi (a flagellate protozoan that causes
Chagas Disease), Typhoid Fever, Amoebic Dysentery, Yellow Fever, Rickettsial
Fever, sleeping sickness, bed bugs, ticks (Lyme Disease), fleas, mites,
lice, etc., but nothing has stopped us
from propagating ourselves for very long -- in recent centuries, only plague
and flu have resulted in a noticeable but temporary down-tick in our global
population statistics that are otherwise increasing exponentially now at seven
billion and counting. Humans have
continued to flourish on every continent despite any sort of adversity that
Nature has thrown our way, at least so far.
Yet there are a set of potential
extinction events that we really need to worry about (20 of them are cited
below in approximately chronological order):
Accidental Nuclear Exchange (Yield >=100 MT [Mega Tons])
Given that both Russian and US
missiles are still on hair-trigger alert (a Mutually Assured Destruction [MAD]
strategy left over from the days of the Cold War that ended quite some time ago
with the collapse of the USSR), multiple hydrogen bombs (# > 100) could
result in a “Nuclear Winter.” Under this
scenario, dust in the high atmosphere, could extinguish all vegetation on the
surface of the planet due to a block of sunlight for more than a decade. Deep ocean species like tube worms fed by
funnels of hot water containing sulfur may survive, but all land mammals could
be obliterated for lack of food (sunlight is on the critical path to plant photosynthesis, which are eaten by
herbivores, which are eaten by carnivores, which are eaten by omnivores (like
us) (as you rise up in the classical food chain/web).
Ref.: Watch the 90-minute documentary film “Count Down to
Zero” (2010) which contains the following quote by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer,
Chief Scientist of the Manhattan Project in New Mexico, at the time of the first test of the Trinity
atomic bomb... “We knew the world would not be the same. a few people laughed,
a few people cried, most people were silent.
I remembered the line from the Hindu Scripture, the
I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,’ – Vishnu, the muti-armed Hindu
documentary explains the precarious state of our modern nuclear arsenal with
many examples of accidents that were first classified “Top secret” before they
became known to the public.
The most likely immediate nuclear
scenario, however, is of a small number of dirty bombs (containing radioactive
cobalt, cesium, etc.) exploded by terrorists within major cities.
This probably won’t obliterate our species, but it would be a
non-trivial set back to lose Hong Kong, Tokyo, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Rome, Berlin,
Madrid, Paris, London, Toronto, Boston, New York, Washington, D.C., Miami,
Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and
Sydney all at the same time.
Biological Warfare
A single terrorist attack using a
sophisticated form of (chemical or) biological warfare (WMD’s) - a weaponized viral or bacterial microorganism
that spreads in air by sneezing and kills infected people with ~100 percent
fatality in approximately three days. (There is a Hollywood movie scenario that
suggests this event would be survivable – see the film Contagion.)
Cyber Warfare
A terrorist cyber-attack
transforming all worldwide Internet-connected computers/servers into “dead bricks” (These “blue screens of
death” would be survivable.)
Detonation of Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Weapons in the Upper
Such weapons could interrupt worldwide communication, cell
phone, and GPS systems for a long period.
(This problem is survivable.)
5. Human Population Exceeds Earth’s Carrying Capacity
(> 10 billion people in < 100 years)
Over-population will lead to global
conflict over increasingly scarce fresh water supplies, assuming that sea-water
desalination is not economically feasible in the time frame we would need.
(This unsustainability problem is survivable for the species, however; since
the excess population would suffer famine and die of starvation, but not
everyone would die.)
Ref.: Prof. Stephen
Emmott of Oxford University, UK”Ten
Billion” (referring to the number of humans soon to be on our planet)
on Earth are becoming extinct at a rate 1,000x faster than the normal
evolutionary rate, as we consume our way through our planet’s resources by
clear cutting forests. Our air mileae
figures are the most shameful: By 1960,
we had flown 100 billion miles; by 1980, we had flown 1,000 billion miles;
today, we jet 6,000 billion air miles per year. The resultant climate change
will leave us literally high and dry in a dystopia (recall the movie Blade
Runner with a one percent of the City of Los Angeles’s wealthy citizens
living behind a gated community and the rest living in extreme poverty.
A Large Meteor Impacts the Earth
Even a potential large impact is
survivable providing we detect it’s presence and calculate its ETA with a lead
time of [10 - 20] weeks, allowing for a
controlled deflection of the trajectory (SciFi Movie = Meteor). (BTW, we should not try to blow-up the block
of ice/rock into small harmless pieces with a nuclear detonation in outer
spaace; this could be foolishly
counterproductive by creating a shower of multiple concurrent impacts A gentle
nudge of the “big guy” would be sufficient for gravity to allow for a near
miss, and we will have successfully “dodged a bullet.”)
Climate Change and/or Destruction of the Ozone Layer
Global warming due to elevated CO2
concentrations by burning wood/coal/oil/gasoline for the last 100 years, and a resulting “green house” effect,
assuming we don’t convert the atmosphere
into a Venus-like green-house “heat trap.” Sea
levels rise from a few feet to a few yards as all the ice in Antarctica
slowly melts. (This problem is disruptive but survivable, however, by using
geo-engineering with space- based mirrors or chemical sequestering
methods.) The protective ozone layers
over the North and South Poles modulate the amount of dangerous radiation that
the Sun regularly puts out to which we
might be exposed if the upper atmosphere ozone holes were to expand
Another possibility is the start of a new
ice age in which the surface layer of
all the world’s oceans would freeze solid.
Although this is likewise not a welcome prospect, it is
Central, Global Weirdness: Severe Storms, Deadly Heat Waves, Relentless
Drought, Rising Seas, and the Weather of the Future (214 pages; Pantheon
Books, New York; 2012).
E. Kahn, Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will Thrive in the Hotter Future (Basic
Books, New York; 2010).
Bobbing of the Sun within the Plane of our Galaxy
As our
solar system floats (or bobs) up and down above and below the plane of the
Milky Way (our Sun is located in one of
the outer arms), the Earth moves in an broadly-curved sinusoidal trajectory
with respect to our disk of stars (with a period of ~62 million years) thereby
exposing us to variable amounts of radiation depending on whether we are above
or below our asymmetric plate (with North/South faces) at any particular time.
This variation would be a function of other active processes that are
presumably going on within our Local Cluster as well as the orientation of our
galaxy in 3-D space while it is also moving away from the former center of the
universe (the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago), but subject to local turbulent
gravitational effects from near-by galaxies.
The galactic disk takes about 200 million years to rotate once; its
center is assumed to contain a large black hole. The Earth may be exposed to a radiation shock
wave from the rotation of the galaxy in the intergalactic medium as it passes
from below to above and then blow again, and this may account for periodic
global life-extinction events (punctuated evolution) on the Earth. Synchronizing these cycles to find out which
are causal is not easy. It is clear that,
if the rate of bobbing changed capriciously, this could result in a catastrophic
consequences for the human race.
Extinguishing the Geomagnetic Field that Shields the Earth from Solar
The Magnetic North/South Poles
periodically swaps direction (flips with an oscillation cycle of ~4,000
years). This is evidenced by ocean floor
sampling revealing a stripped pattern of
directional iron compounds. During the time of the reversal, the Earth’s
protective magnetic field might be annihilated
(This problem is survivable if it takes place gradually enough or in a
magnetic quadrapole rather than simple-dipole manner.)
10. Lunar Detachment
The Moon escapes from the gravity
field of the Earth, altering the normal tidal pattern in our oceans Our Moon, Luna, with a dead core, is gradually
drifting farther and farther away from the Earth (already only one side faces
us and the phases of the moon from “full” to “new” are not wellsynchronized to
the months of the year resulting in what is called a “blue moon.”). The Moon
stabilizes the rotational speed of the Earth (giving us a 24-hour day, that at
one time was a lot shorter [~10 hours]) and therefore our terrestrial
weather/climate. (Later on, the Moon
could spin back-in much closer and thus break up and turn into a collection of
rocks like the rings of Saturn, but that will be about a billion years from
now, and the Earth is likely to be uninhabitable by then anyway; so we'll have
to enjoy this spectacle from a distance if we’re still around ourselves.
Another theory says that the Moon will fly away into space if it escapes
Earth's gravity; by then all oceanic tides (neap tides, etc.) will be determined exclusively by the the
Sun's gravity, assuming there still are oceans). (This problem is
The Diameter of the Sun Expands on Its Way to Becoming a Red Dwarf
In 200 million years, our Sun will
expand to include the orbit of Mercury in its natural evolution as a star of
its size (not sufficient for a supernova)
that consumes all its hydrogen fuel (having converted it to helium by
fusion). Anyone still on Earth will fry,
after the oceans evaporate and then boil away. The sand (Earth’s crust) will be
sterilized and then take on the texture of molten lava. Long before then, however, we should make a mandatory visit to Europa,
where temperatures will be more hospitable,
there would be a watery ocean > 100 miles deep, but, sadly, the atmosphere
would not be breathable [likewise for Io, Callisto, and Gannymede].) Nevertheless, we would get a good up-close
view of Jupiter.
Imminent Galactic Collision
In about 400 million years, the
Nebula-in-Andromeda is expected to collide with our own Milky Way galaxy. Due to the large empty space between stars,
there may not be mutual star collisions and the two spinning wheels may pass
through each other, but gravitational turbulence may cause different stars to
be pulled hither and yon. (This event is
survivable, assuming that the naked
Earth is not cast off into deep space by a gravitational sling shot and
we weren’t able to find a near-by star to hook up with at the proper
13. Rogue Stars
are about to be "rained on" by stars that have been thrown our way by
a smaller galaxy that the Milky Way already collided with quite some time ago.
This collision shot the small galaxy's stars toward the far side of our galaxy,
but gradually the gravitation of our galaxy captured the stars and drew them
back toward us. We may be located right where these stars are, and they may
be due to hit our solar system.
Rogue Black Holes
holes have been detected moving around in odd locations, so there's always the
chance one could drift into our vicinity from an unexpected direction, which
could reduce our warning, not that we could do anything about it other than
watch it from somewhere else! There are also rogue planets shooting around out
there -- planets that have been torn loose from their original stars and could
come careening in from any direction. Fortunately, the odds of one of these
hitting us is low, and we wouldn't have the same action-at-a-distance threat
that a black hole (even a micro black hole) would.
15. Atmospheric Gas Composition
relative concentration of nitrogen/oxygen/carbon-dioxide/argon/neon/xenon in
our atmosphere is in a delicate balance. Too much (or too little) oxygen could
be horrific.
Sun Spot Cycle Anomaly (Coronal Mass Ejection or a Hugh Gamma Ray
The 11-year sunspot cycle could be disrupted. Just one
big solar flare (like a belch in the liquid hydrogen as it bubbled up to the
surface) might be very dangerous. Who knows what that would entail for all the
species on our planet?
Change in the Earth's Obliquity, Radial Distance to the Sun, or Orbital
spinning of the Earth on its axis makes an angle with respect to the plane of
the ecliptic called its obliquity or “angle of declination.” It could tilt
beyond 22.45 degrees. There is also a wobble or precession associated with the
spinning (like a top) which explains why our current North Star (Polaris) has
changed over the centuries. An increased angle would make our Winter and Summer
seasons far more extreme. A flattening of the angle toward zero would eliminate
the seasons, making the Earth look more like Jupiter with large horizontal
weather bands and long lasting (centuries) cyclones. (Note: Magnetic North pole
is not the same as Due-North due to the presence of iron ore in a big lump and
the dynamo effect of a rotating spheroid.)
An increase in our eccentricity would change the number of days per year
from ~365 (an ellipse is not a circle ).
A change in the radial distance from the Sun ([91 - 94] million miles or
~8 light seconds) would not only change the number of days per year but have
other temperature effects depending on whether it was an increase of decrease..
Milankovitch Cycles can be used to determine the periodicity of ice ages by
means of mathematical formulas.
18. Disruption of Techtonic Plates
abrupt positive feedback loop in the internal temperature dynamics of the
Earth’s crust, mantle, and liquid core could be
catastrophic. Techtonic plates
could be disrupted and all the known continents could be swallowed up in a
short time with no land to replace them whatsoever! Remember Pangaea was a single
supercontinent 300 million years ago (it had a number of different predecessors
before it, each with exotic names) that gave rise to today’s seven continents
{North/South America, Asia, Europe Africa, Australia, and Antarctica} separated
by oceans that we know and love (these continents drift with respect to each other at the same rate
as our finger nails grow, so it’s hard (without GPS) to track their motion
precisely (centimeters per year), but who is to say that this rate will remain
constant, and it couldn’t speed up 100,000x abruptly).
19. Invasion by Aliens from Mars or Wherever
an invasion by an intelligent but nasty
species of aliens from outer space (like The Borg of Star Trek) who mean to do
us harm, “all bets are off.” This
scenario is rather fanciful. Nevertheless, Dr. Stephen Hawking warned humanity
that “we should not shout out when we’re walking in the jungle.” Dr. Carl Sagan already did the equivalent of
shouting with our gratuitous Voyager
disk. It instructs whomever finds it exactly where to locate us (SciFi Movies: War of he Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood
Still, Forbidden Planet, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Prometheus [July 2012]).
(The SETI project is still listening for extraterrestrial signals, but hasn’t
found anything so far, despite decades of scanning.)
20. The Big Rip
about 100 billion years, according to our current cosmological dogma, our
universe will have continued to expand to the point that at first only the stars in the Milky Way
will be visible, making the night sky
look pretty dark, and then all stars will be extinguished (so it’s really, really dark). If all local stars are extinguished then the
terms “day” and “night” can no longer be distinguished; finally, all
molecules/atoms/protons/neutrons are annihilated (the “Big Rip”), decomposing
into bosons/quarks. Subsequently, the “strong force” becomes irreversibly
damaged, “All bets are off.” “Exit stage left.” through a “worm hole” to
another more hospitable universe within the ostensible “multiverse,” assuming
this is at all possible. Calling all
physicists... please rescue us from this pernicious scenario.
Conclusion for Section IX:
far as our human species is concerned, we've moved a long way forward. Civilization has progressed from the days of
our hunter/gatherer ancestral tribes.
Just a few thousand years ago (2000 BCE), we concluded that there were
only four elements {Earth, Fire, Air, and Water} and only four body fluids that
needed to be kept in balance for good health {blood, phlem, black bile, and
yellow bile}. {The words “sanguine” and “phlegmatic” in our current language
are derived from this false model of physiology.} Note that none of these
so-called elements is in reality an element based on our current understanding
of chemistry (The Periodic Table of the Elements). Water is a compound; earth
(dirt, beach sand) is a mixture; air is a mixture; and fire (combustion) is an
artifact of rapid oxidation {just like rust is an artifact of slow iron
oxidation}. But, we can’t rest on our
laurels, amused by the foolishness of our ancestors; we still have a long way
to go to make sense of the world, even though the 11-dimensional Brane/String
Theory of Everything (ToE) that integrates gravity with quantum mechanics with
the four forces and the standard Boson/Quark model of particles is close at hand.
is important is for us to understand how to reprogram (debug) the genetic code
(the DNA in our chromosomes contains 3.1
billion base pairs {A, G, T, and C}) without disrupting the architecture of our
human adult tissues. This is the next
big challenge.
Here's an update from Dr. Gunther Kletetschka... Part of my research has to do
with the extinction of large mammals due to a comet/asteroid that landed in Alberta, CANADA
12,800 years ago. We published our finding this year and last year in PNAS [5-8]. I
believe that we have solid evidence that all mega mammals went extinct along with nearly all
human beings.
So there you have it. We should count your blessings, not brag about your superiority, for thenext near-extinction event could be a full-extinction event and be just around the corner, So we should get ready for one soon. And I don't mean plan an expedition to Mars to see if we can terraform it to our purposes. I mean that we need to solve the "mortality problem," so we can live long enough to figure out what to do with our precarious Earth environment, if it decides to suddenly fail. Furthermore, our star, Sol, the sun, won't last forever either, but at least, for that, we have a substantial grace period, as we discussed above.
1. The Permian Triassic (P/Tr) extinction event, informally termed the "Great Dying," forming
the boundary between the Permian and Triassic geologic periods, as well as the Paleozoic and
Mesozoic eras. This was the Earth's most severe known extinction event, with up to 96 percent
of all marine species and 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrate species becoming
2. This event marked the end of the Cretaceous period and with it, the entire Mesozoic Era,
opening the Cenozoic Era, which continues today.
3. Ice Ages
4. The Toba Supereruption was a massive volcanic eruption that occurred [72K +/- 5 K] YA at
Mount Toba (Sumatra, INDONESIA). It is recognized as one of the Earth's largest known
eruptions. The related catastrophe hypothesis holds that this event caused a global
volcanic winter of [6 - - 10] years and possibly a 1,000-year-long cooling episode in Earth's
5. Wittke James H., James C. Weaver, Ted E. Bunch, James P. Kennett, Douglas J. Kennett,
Andrew M. T. Moore, Gordon C. Hillman, Kenneth B. Tankersley, Albert C. Goodyear,
Christopher R. Moore, I. Randolph Daniel, Jr., Jack H. Ray, Neal H. Lopinot, David Ferraro,
Isabel Israde-Alc ntara, James L. Bischoff, Paul S. DeCarli, Robert E. Hermes, Johan B.
Kloosterman, Zsolt Revay, George A. Howard, David R. Kimbel, Gunther Kletetschka, Ladislav
Nabelek, Carl P. Lipo, Sachiko Sakai, Allen West, and Richard B. Firestone. (May 20 2013),
Evidence for deposition of 10 million tonnes of impact spherules across four continents 12,800
years ago,
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA , Vol.
110, No. 23, pp. E2088-97 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1301760110 (June 4, 2013) PDF.
6. James H. Wittke, Ted E. Bunch, James P. Kennett, Douglas J. Kennett, Brendan J. Culleton,
Kenneth B. Tankersley, I. Randolph Daniel, J., Johan B. Kloosterman, Gunther Kletetschka,
Allen West Firestone, R.B., 2013. Reply to van Hoesel, et al., regarding Impact-related YDB
nanodiamonds from the Netherlands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the USA, accepted on August 8, 2013.
7. James H. Wittke, Ted E. Bunch, Kenneth B. Tankersley, I. Randolph Daniel, J., Johan B.
Kloosterman, Gunther Kletetschka, Allen West, Firestone, R.B., 2013. Reply to Ives et al.,
regarding the impact-related YDB layer at Chobot site, Alberta, CANADA. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, accepted on August 8, 2013.
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Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA Vol.
109, No. 28, pp. E1903-12 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1204453109, 2012, PDF